Use "go against" in a sentence

1. Don't go against your father.

2. That'll go against the traffic regulations.

3. Make offerings to go against stinginess.

4. Don't go against your parents / your parents'wishes.

5. He would not go against his parents' wishes.

6. I don't want to go against your will.

7. On occasion, journalists must go against popular accepted opinion.

8. She was scared to go against her father's wishes.

9. This misbehavior will go against his chance of promotion.

10. This misbehaviour will certainly go against his chances of promotion.

11. In splitting wood, don't try to go against the grain.

12. This misbehavior will certainly go against his chances of promotion.

13. His lawyer hinted that the case might go against him.

14. I understand you not wanting to go against your fellow angel.

15. The president said he would not go against sound military doctrine.

16. I often have to make decisions that go against the grain .

17. 35 synonyms for Contravene: break, violate, go against, infringe, disobey, transgress, conflict

18. He doesn't usually go against my advice without giving me fair warning.

19. How can I go against the people and accept these unjust titles?

20. What does Contravene mean? To Contravene is to go against or contradict

21. Nevertheless, you may also face intense peer pressure to go against your religious standards.

22. (verb) An example of Contravene is for a soldier to go against the command

23. When you play at your opponent's court, the calls tend to go against you.

24. For this thy great Archbishoprick, believing That I should go against the Church with him

25. Strictly prohibit from not participating in the idea exercising person here , carrying go against again here!

26. CNN's racist and stereotypical comments about the Chinese clearly go against the meaning of being American.

27. It will prove that you’ve got the strength to go against the flow of Satan’s world.

28. These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.

29. Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.

30. Many have even had to go against the teachings of their church to reach that point.

31. He is not afraid to go against the grain and never feels the pressure to conform.

32. Engaging in such activities would go against Bible principles and would endanger our physical or spiritual health.

33. 25 These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.

34. Now all she had to do was fool Felipe de Santis and go against all her principles.

35. My father didn't want me to leave home, and I didn't like to go against his will.

36. 26 Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.

37. 27 Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.

38. Run Afoul: 1 v go against, as of rules and laws “He ran Afoul of the law” Synonyms: conflict , contravene , infringe Type of: breach , break , go against , infract , offend , transgress , violate act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

39. Banned hashtags are hashtags that Instagram users have reported because the posts using them go against Instagram’s guidelines

40. Władysław could not go against the decision of the Sejm and Senate, and agreed to support the treaty.

41. Why does he go against the traditional Ancient Near Eastern practice of primogeniture, inheritance by the first born?

42. 🔊 While the act doesn’t Contravene any national or state laws, it does go against my moral principles

43. Counterproductive work behaviour refers to actions by employees that go against the goals and aims of their employer

44. “But, seemingly, if you accept one, you will go against your religious beliefs, which are also important to you.

45. Collective deliberation on the basis of choices served up by the official machine go against Mrs Thatcher's personal grain.

46. No one dared to go against the rules; to do so would mean punishment for everyone in the village.

47. Antigone is going against Creon and Ismene is afraid and doesn't want to go against Creon because she might die

48. 10 But Laman said unto them: Let us keep of our wine till we go against the Nephites to battle.

49. If the biblical fates go against him, Herluin will take all the vexation and shame out on Tutilo, with usury.

50. Without evidence to the contrary, it may be unwise to go against the behavior suggested as appropriate by the myth.

51. Tolkien, in his history of the elves, would not wish to go against what he accepted as doctrine universally true.

52. The goal with the Louisas of the world is to help them learn how to go against their natural tendency.

53. It would go against international public opinion if we acquiesce in its replacement by a new and weaker set of commitments.

54. 15 Tolkien, in his history of the elves, would not wish to go against what he accepted as doctrine universally true.

55. Let me tell you, there is a saying that those who go against the current will die crushed by that current.

56. The temple tried to re-obtain the civets by stating that without these animals it would go against their ageless religious practices.

57. These views go against professional means playing their roles, weaken the probative force of professional means, and influence the efficiency of legal actions.

58. Contravene: 1 v go against, as of rules and laws Synonyms: conflict , infringe , run afoul Type of: breach , break , go against , infract , offend , transgress , violate act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises v deny the truth of Synonyms: contradict , negate Types: show 4 types hide 4 types deny declare untrue;

59. 95 synonyms for Breach: break, violate, go against, flout, infringe, contravene, disobey, fly in the face of, transgress, fail to comply with, break through

60. Break, violate, go against, flout, infringe, contravene, disobey, fly in the face of, transgress, fail to comply with The film Breached the criminal libel laws

61. Break, violate, go against, flout, infringe, contravene, disobey, fly in the face of, transgress, fail to comply with The film Breached the criminal libel laws

62. Run Afoul - go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran Afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules" contravene, infringe, conflict breach, infract, transgress, violate, go against, offend, break - act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises; "offend all laws of humanity"; "violate the basic laws or human

63. Conventionalism: "Those people having personalities that align with Conventionalism rarely pair well with liberal individuals or those who go against the grain of society."

64. Coercive treatment may be required in order to promote the patient's health interests, but health interests have to waive if they go against the autonomous interests of the patient

65. The definition of Adversarial is anything related to a person, place, or thing where there is disagreement, opposition or where problems are created that go against a desired result

66. It means, people who are in high and responsible positions, if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 

67. But the Biblicist—or anyone interested in the truth of any subject — knows that he or she will sometimes have to go against the majority opinion in search of the truth.

68. 6 And it came to pass that the people began to murmur with the king because of their afflictions; and they began to be desirous to go against them to battle.

69. King Nebuchadnezzar was not one to take no for an answer, and the official realized that his “head” would be in jeopardy if he were to go against the king’s instructions.

70. In July 21, 1935, Chen was demoted to chief commissioner of the Red Army University as he refuted the orders of Zhang Guotao to go against Mao Zedong route of the march.

71. Numbers 31:3 View whole chapter See verse in context And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and Avenge …

72. Cyberspace as a domain is an example where rigid hierarchies and structures go against the nature of the domain and the technology itself, which is best handled by small groups or individuals, often acting on their own.

73. Criminals are characters who frequently engage in activities that go against the norms of a society or culture, breaking the laws of the land they reside in and, in extreme cases, even the laws of a sector/empire.

74. Ananias had schemed to go against the clear commands of the Master to "give up all his own possessions,"2 and to "sell your possessions and give to charity." 3 And it wasn't just a misunderstanding

75. The Concordat began as a political party originating on the semi-autonomous, colony of Barrow.Similarly to the state of its conception the Concordat is a idea which seems to go against the typical slate of politics within Human Space in the uncharacteristically peaceful practice of diplomacy over outright war.

76. Accidie equipment for emergency vehicles promeritum rougeur credulity berm(en)bloter respecter derramado mít core making damnedest Dynamic Disks molest contrary, opposite, backwards, to go against, to oppose, to betray, to rebel samhengi laminated contact bar tape to surge, wave, undulate /to flood Central Daily News electronic document

77. Backpedal, back-pedal vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." figurative, informal (go against [sth] previously said) (figurado) dar marcha atrás loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza