Use "gnomic" in a sentence

1. He was pretty gnomic by all accounts.

2. 3 Surfaces possessing this property are called gnomic surfaces.

3. 2 He was pretty gnomic by all accounts.

4. 1 Peter is always coming out with gnomic utterances/pronouncements.

5. John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory.

6. 6 John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory.

7. 10 IN FRANCE railway crossings are adorned with a small lesson for a life of gnomic brevity .

8. 4 He added a gnomic proviso: He wished that only those letters "having bearing on my work" be printed.

9. At this low ebb, his hero Cantona begins to magically appear to offer him gnomic advice, like an aphoristic life coach.

10. The Aorist indicative is also used to express things that happen in general, without asserting a time (the "gnomic Aorist")

11. 8 We must assume, of course, that these different aspects of his gnomic philosophy are to be unified into some coherent whole.

12. 11 At this low ebb, his hero Cantona begins to magically appear to offer him gnomic advice,( like an aphoristic life coach.

13. 5 This " gnomic " seem to circulate very long, academic basis is " the distance produces the United States " , alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly.

14. 13 Others range from the plodding ("External we focus on customer value and internal care about own value-added") to the gnomic ("Unity of Individual and Goal").

15. 7 John Holland is a gnomic figure of indeterminate age who once worked on the world's earliest computers, and who now teaches at the University of Michigan.

16. 12 The genes that determine the biosynthesis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of V. cholerae O139 were cloned and expressed in E. coli by constructing gnomic library of V. cholerae O

17. 9 No one can exceed him in the definition in spirits of China's traditional culture. Neither can in gnomic contention on difference existed in cultures between China and Western countries.

18. As Frederick Crews has persuasively argued, secularist Theory is "bogged down in Apriorism."It appears "to satisfy the most austerely skeptical intellectual taste while casually introducing propositions of gnomic certitude, prophetic reverberations, and exhilarating historical scope."