Use "gneisses" in a sentence

1. The gneisses are coarse grained and show much broader and less distinct foliation.

2. The shear zones developed in granite-gneisses, gneiss-phyllonites and mica-schists.

3. Description: Andalusite is found in phyllites, schists and gneisses and associated quartz veins

4. The Lapparent gneisses were apparently juxtaposed against adjacent supracrustal rocks along outward-dipping mylonite zones.

5. It lies unconformably on gneisses of the Lewisian complex or sandstones of the Torridonian Supergroup.

6. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.

7. Biotite is also common in metamorphic rocks where it is a frequent component of schists, gneisses and phyllites

8. Beryl is a minor constituent of many granitic rocks and associated pegmatite dikes, in gneisses, and in mica schists

9. Description: Anatase is a relatively rare mineral found in veins and cavities in schists, gneisses, granites, syenites and other related igneous rocks

10. Allothigenic impact diamonds occur in rocks produced by the homogenization and solidification of impact melt, which originated from the complete fusion of graphite‐bearing precursor gneisses

11. Rapid cooling is attributed to post-20 Ma uplift of mylonitic gneisses in the footwall of an evolving low-angle detachment fault system of extensional origin.

12. Allothigenic impact diamonds occur in rocks produced by the homogenization and solidification of impact melt, which originated from the complete fusion of graphite-bearing precursor gneisses

13. Allothigenic impact diamonds occur in rocks produced by the homogenization and solidification of impact melt, which originated from the com- plete fusion of graphite-bearing precursor gneisses

14. Field relations and U-Pb zircon geochronologic data demonstrate that the gneisses are deformed Batholiths that intruded the supracrustal sequence during two separate episodes of plutonism at ca

15. Almandine, the most common of the garnets, is deep red to brownish-red and is found in metamorphic rocks, such as schists and gneisses, in association with micas, quartz, and feldspars

16. In the weathered and altered Precambrian granitoid gneisses at the unconformity, secondary K-feldspar has replaced preexisting minerals, and also occurs as discrete crystals of adularia, overgrowths on altered minerals, and microcrystalline veinlets.

17. ‘The prominent basement rocks of the Brumado area are Precambrian in age and consist dominantly of gneisses, schists, and Amphibolite.’ ‘A uniform, regionally concordant layer of Amphibolite with occasional ultramafic pods, termed the Sta Amphibolite, overlies the Sta Series.’

18. Up to 10% cash back  · Published: June 2000 Titaniferous magnetite–ilmenite thermometry and titaniferous magnetite–ilmenite–orthopyroxene–quartz oxygen Barometry in granulite facies gneisses, Bamble Sector, SE Norway: implications for the role of high-grade CO 2-rich fluids during granulite genesis

19. The anorogenic chemistry of the North Bay orthogneiss and mixed calc-alkaline–alkaline chemistry of the Temiscaming gneisses suggest a connection between Paleoproterozoic anorogenic magmatism and synsedimentary quartzite deposition, which is a common association in 1.9–1.6 Ga accretionary orogens of southern Laurentia.

20. metamorphites, Mesozoic igneous intrusive rocks, Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary breccias, and Quaternary alluvia. The Precambrian Halloran Complex has been subdivided into the following formations: (1) Silver Lake Peak Formation, mostly quartzofeldspathic gneisses; (2) Cree Camp Formation, quartzites and metarhyolites; (3) Riggs Formation, metamorphosed carbonate rocks. This complex is intruded by dioritic rocks. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies. Metablastesis was a major phenomenon, partial fusion was a local one. The rocks are, therefore, metatexites. Regional metamorphism was followed by diaphthoresis, accentuated in a zone of dislocation.