Use "globalized" in a sentence

1. So a plague outbreak in Surat, India becomes not an obscure event, but a globalized event -- a globalized concern that has changed the risk equation.

2. As 9/11 so graphically demonstrated, violence too has been globalized.

3. These days, globalized business networking tends to set the tone in the hotel’s public spaces.

4. Every day, billions of dollars ricochet around in the globalized economy.

5. Nearly every conservative and liberal party in the world today champions the globalized economy.

6. A globalized economy offers spectacular rewards to the skillful, but increasingly penalizes those without education.

7. Coming to connectivity, both acknowledged the importance of connectivity in today’s globalized world.

8. We must, however, realize and accept the fact that threats in today's globalized world recognize no boundaries

9. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of alternative medicine.

10. Shipyards churn out oil tankers, container ships and gas tankers to cater for the demands of globalized industrial production.

11. In many ways, our lives are becoming globalized, but fault-lines around our identities are growing.

12. 20 A globalized economy offers spectacular rewards to the skillful, but increasingly penalizes those without education.

13. We must recognize that in this globalized age we all live inter-connected lives in a small and fragile planet.

14. In an increasingly globalized society, Amenity planning is also an important tool in preserving the diversity and distinctiveness of different locations

15. All over the world, the spread of the globalized monoculture is forcefully eradicating ecosocial forms of culture that evolved in place.

16. As the world becomes more globalized and inter-connected, the salience of global cross-cutting issues is rising.

17. Instead, the metaphor for today’s globalized world is that of the World Wide Web, in which we increasingly function through multiple networks.

18. Collectives (Micaela Neiva) The series “Coletivos” reveals a contemporary look of life stories from a globalized world seen through mosaics of constructed images

19. The most blatant examples of globalized Authoritarianism are when governments actually kill or attempt to kill their critics in other countries, …

20. ‘Contemporaneity’ created a possible platform for intellectual communication among Asian colleagues who share the same concerns of self-definition within a globalized contemporary art discourse

21. Arbitral institutions are being regularly created on each continent, in a reflection of an increasingly globalized world requiring neutral, but effective, dispute resolution mechanisms

22. Brother Schroeder presented a brief profile of the class and remarked that the graduates were “prepared to share in the globalized activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses, now in 210 lands.”

23. In Boetzkes's fascinating book, art is contextualized in the world of globalized and Aestheticized consumer capitalism—and it has an engaged role to play: one of representation, trenchant critique, and presumably the instigation of social and ecological transformation.

24. Economic growth and modernization, historically associated with better health outcomes, are actually opening wide the entry point for the globalized marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages and the switch from active to sedentary lifestyles.

25. In Kabul and Herat, mobile phones abound, a tooth-eroding concoction called “Afghan Cola” is sold, the Internet works (sometimes), there are ATM machines, sophisticated heroin laboratories, four-wheel drive vehicles, five-star hotels, ads for private banks – all the trappings of globalized modernity.