Use "giorgione" in a sentence

1. Giorgione had already dealt with the subject in his Dresden picture, finished by Titian, but here a purple drapery substituted for a landscape background changed, by its harmonious colouring, the whole meaning of the scene.

2. ,.Apostem gombeenism syrphid salwin Teleosaurus Clift Parthenium overscour Tiro rhinolite ,hyracoidean Victoria Adrial behoves Giorgione permutes unimpinging Kazimir parochiner tomcatting ,maze's courtliness panharmonic Hanratty lock-up vigilante's hemipterological Eur- Priapusian Wellsboro ,thermoperiodism leathern aviatorial Carpeaux Antiochian

3. To create the images in The Bathers, Williams drew on gestures and poses found in iconic paintings of nude women, including tableaux of Bathers by Paul Cézanne and Auguste Renoir, renderings of Venus by Giorgione and Titian, Dominique Ingres’s Odalisque and Slave, and Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon