Use "gingrich" in a sentence

1. Alkylated PAHs (Gingrich et al., 2001)

2. Newt Gingrich pulled the plug on ethics reform.

3. Robert Walker, R-Pa., a close Gingrich ally.

4. The subcommittee recommended Gingrich be reprimanded.

5. Republicans deny that Gingrich violated the agreement.

6. 3 Gingrich said the violations were unintentional.

7. In their ideal world, Gingrich would be sullied, but not sundered.

8. John Lewis, who represents a district adjacent to Gingrich.

9. Newt Gingrich Annihilates Pelosi and Her Plans for the House

10. Also, Gingrich plans to address a Republican caucus Monday night.

11. And for Gingrich to try to muscle anyone would backfire.

12. Frank has been a nemesis to House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

13. Newt Gingrich: Democrats are trying to 'Brainwash the entire next generation' David Smith in Washington Newt Gingrich at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, in 2015.

14. Gingrich apparently learned nothing from the House political debacle last year.

15. That is because 10 defections would deprive Gingrich of a majority.

16. 5 Gingrich said his violations were unintentional and that he regretted them.

17. The Gingrich investigation lasted two years and was marked by extraordinary partisan wrangling.

18. Under Republican caucus rules, censuring Gingrich would force him to give up the office of speaker.

19. Gingrich himself dragged some of the defectors into the House cloakroom for one last arm twist.

20. Democrats said the transcript of the conference call show Gingrich doing just that.

21. What was the latest, she asked of a caller from Washington, on Newt Gingrich?

22. Gingrich on Tuesday, for example, began reviving the notion of a balanced budget agreement with President Clinton.

23. Dole is clearly troubled by the 19-day shutdown, and moved despite the opposition of House Speaker Gingrich.

24. 16 At issue was whether Gingrich improperly used charitable enterprises to advance his partisan agenda.

25. The investigation focused on a college course Gingrich taught with financial support from nonprofit foundations.

26. 17 The arrangement requires Gingrich to maintain life insurance to cover the outstanding interest and principal.

27. The question Democrats are grappling with now is how far to take their campaign against Gingrich.

28. The Republicans took control of the House in 1995, under the leadership of Speaker Newt Gingrich.

29. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich telling graduates to carry on Falwell's spirit by confronting radical secularism.

30. True, Newt Gingrich will pay $ 300, 000 to reinforce this image of fund raising run rampant.

31. No sooner had the new deadline been announced than Newt Gingrich suggested lifting the debt ceiling.

32. The reprimand stops just short of a vote of censure, which would have forced Gingrich to resign as speaker.

33. Newt Gingrich broke a vital trust when he forced the partial government shutdown for three weeks over Christmas of 19

34. Some made statements about the situation, with speakers alternating between those opposing Gingrich and those supporting him.

35. Participants in the conference call included Gingrich, other Republican leaders, and one of his lawyers, former Rep.

36. But Gingrich provides an alluring excuse for avoiding having to work out exactly what they are for.

37. It was a grueling pace, but it was worth the effort, and Gingrich was willing to do it.

38. When the alphabetical roll call vote for speaker began, members dutifully voted for Gingrich or Gephardt until Rep.

39. After that, the panel is expected to hold public, televised hearings on what punishment to impose on Gingrich.

40. Gingrich, however, is loathe to give up the familiar anti-Washington rhetoric that proved so popular in recent campaigns.

41. While happy to appear tired of the Gingrich fight, Clinton has done nothing to put an end to it.

42. Newt Gingrich is a brilliant political strategist who has the power to discipline his left but not his right.

43. At issue in the Gingrich case is a college course he taught from 1993-95 with financial support from a nonprofit foundation.

44. 12 Gingrich is now careful not to alienate Buchananites, whose votes are needed this year to maintain the Republican majority in Congress.

45. 29 A top adviser to the House leadership said Gingrich is quietly canvassing members about how to pay the fine.

46. What it means is they will share the gavel until House Speaker Newt Gingrich takes over as permanent convention chairman.

47. Silly me, I have begun to conjure up an image of Newt Gingrich as a man more used than using.

48. Behind the current absurdity here lies a novel assertion by House Speaker Newt Gingrich that has gone unexamined for too long.

49. 13 Behind the current absurdity here lies a novel assertion by House Speaker Newt Gingrich that has gone unexamined for too long.

50. Gingrich said he favored congressional hearings into campaign fund-raising practices such as those undertaken on behalf of Clinton during the latest campaign.

51. Must Watch: Gingrich Annihilates Nancy Pelosi March 26, 2021; Reporter Demands Answers on Border Crisis, Psaki Dodges Every Question March 26, 2021; CNN’s Cuomo Asks Dr

52. The word akribos is translated "Circumspectly" and is defined to mean "accurately, carefully, well" (Arndt and Gingrich) or "exactly, accurately, diligently" (Thayer)

53. Many major Republicans, including Gingrich in 2007, supported cap-and-trade before flip-flopping in 2009, suggesting it was something other than Gore's advocacy to Blaim see Tim Pawlenty: "Every one of us" running for …

54. A few days later we learned that Newt Gingrich was resentful over his accommodations and what he viewed as the unceremonious Backstair exit offered him and other guests when the plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base.

55. Gop Blathered, "Maybe next time she gets an invite she might want to check into it a bit more to be sure it is not a mistake" Topless club owner names dog shelter after Gingrich “The rest of them are usually so Blathered by the time they get down to it, they never even notice.” The Priest