Use "giggled" in a sentence

1. Well, Ellie giggled.

2. The children giggled hysterically.

3. And she giggled.

4. But then today, she giggled.

5. The girls giggled at the joke.

6. They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.

7. Of course, they giggled as soon as the music began.

8. When that little warrior princess giggled, it did somethin'to him inside.

9. 15 He rolled them on the floor, growling in mock fury, and they giggled.

10. Antonyms for Blubbered include laughed, chortled, chuckled, giggled, cachinnated, cackled, guffawed, grinned, snickered and roared

11. Antonyms for Bawled include laughed, chortled, chuckled, giggled, cachinnated, cackled, guffawed, grinned, snickered and roared

12. Synonyms for Chortled include chuckled, laughed, cackled, giggled, tittered, guffawed, crowed, crew, hee-hawed and roared

13. Synonyms for Chuckled include chortled, giggled, tittered, laughed, snickered, sniggered, cackled, crowed, crew and hee-hawed

14. Antonyms for Blubbed include laughed, chortled, chuckled, giggled, cachinnated, cackled, guffawed, grinned, snickered and roared

15. The Seraph, mightily confused at being called a Bantling, giggled inanely, so I replied again.

16. "Unless you want to get bat-Bogied," Ginny giggled, punching her brother softly on the arm

17. They sang and giggled all their way to every quiet lodging house and noisily whispered goodnight on the pavements.

18. The fat driver giggled, then burst into full laughter, the rolls under his robes quivering like jellies.

19. She often showed up late for class, and she chewed gum and tossed her ponytail and whispered and giggled with Servio.

20. ‘These endophytes are not known to spread Contagiously but instead are disseminated through seeds and by vegetative growth of the host.’ ‘Equipped with tongue biting one-liners, he is Contagiously energetic.’ ‘Abby giggled Contagiously; a sweet sound that reverberated through the dim white room.’

21. The mare giggled, opening the door with her Alightened horn, "I was only saying that because I thought you probably didn't know where it was, not to make you look like a lost baby dragon." The purple dragon snarled to that last comment, "Alright then Twilight, well I guess I'll see you whenever that bell rings."