Use "giant squid" in a sentence

1. The biggest Cephalopod, however, is a squid, the giant squid Architeuthis

2. Dead sperm whales have been found with portions of giant squid in their stomach.

3. So, imagine a great white shark and a giant squid in the same bathroom.

4. Crustaceous Rex fed on the Jamaican population of Mutant Giant Squid until they were destroyed by Godzilla

5. 2 Trivia 3 Fanon Info Crustaceous Rex fed on the Jamaican population of Mutant Giant Squid until they were

6. It featured a Soviet invasion of North America with tanks, conscripts, large airships, and psychically dominated anti-ship giant squid.

7. Huge indeed are the giant squid and the sperm whale, yet the blue whale, the largest mammal, surpasses them in size.

8. In 1965 the crew of a Soviet whaleboat claimed to have seen a battle between a giant squid and a 40-ton sperm whale.

9. They knew that sperm whales – the main predator of giant squid – gather to feed in the region, adjacent to a steep, Canyoned continental slope approximately 10-15 kilometres southeast of