Use "get the message" in a sentence

1. Did you get the message?

2. Do you get the message, Cam?

3. I'm glad we were Actually able to get the message across

4. Next time, we'll send two hawks, to be sure you get the message.

5. I get the message "This Quicken file contains no Budgetable accounts or categories

6. While starting up Sail Simulator 5 I get the message 'No suitable Directx 9 graphics adapter was found'.

7. 11 The system used to work like a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin like it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.

8. 10 As mayor, he was chief pedagogue, urging bogotanos not to run red lights, dump litter or beat their wives, sometimes dressing up as "Super Citizen" in spandex to get the message across.