Use "get old" in a sentence

1. “Don’t get old before your time.”—Don

2. Great rangers never get old is the problem.

3. These things never get old , and always manage to fascinate.

4. Burritos are one of those meals that truly never get old

5. Do you know that we'll get old and die in here?

6. Prices will rise, Politicians will philander , you too will get old.

7. Clue noun indication, lead, sign, evidence, tip, suggestion, trace, hint, suspicion, pointer, tip-off, inkling, intimation Scientists have discovered a Clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die

8. As long as there is some give they should be fine until they get old enough, 5-6 weeks to move to a permanent pen, then be sure the top is no more than a foot away or more then 3 to prevent Boinking.

9. The Absorbability partly refers to a kind of awakening among posters that NCR will likely become a reality when they get old (#1217): Other posters made a prediction for the future stating that everybody will one day be taken care of by elder-care robots (#5067).