Use "george bush" in a sentence

1. Bushwas George Bush speaking of some

2. I used to meditate on George Bush.

3. The Aldine area is near Houston's George Bush

4. George Bush is totally "Avalanching" the American people

5. George Bush has pledged support, but in a perfunctory way.

6. Hosted by: George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Education Department

7. Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?

8. My favorite line in George Bush the first's Inaugural Address in

9. Does George Bush possess a disarming grin,[Sentence dictionary] or a facetious smirk?

10. He has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery, as in his badmouthing of George Bush.

11. If you feel that George Bush has been spineless overseas, Mr Giuliani is undoubtedly your man.

12. In addition, he enlisted former Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton to lead a private fundraising effort.

13. 10 Use George Bush or Others and joust your way through the competition to get the vote.

14. Jimmy Carter and George Bush also have joined a growing chorus of eminent senior politicians in the quest for reform.

15. Murdoch visited Blair three times personally in order to pressurise him on behalf of George Bush to support the Iraq invasion.

16. 20 George Bush could now cash in on the country's post-war confidence by launching another war on the black home-front.

17. One early vote the Democrats were happy to advertise was that of President George Bush, casting his Texas absentee ballot for John McCain last week.

18. 7 Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.

19. Actor Roger Lloyd Pack said: "I feel Affronted that George Bush is coming over here, and even more Affronted that I'm not allowed to march in protest." Protesters gird their loins ahead of visit from 'war criminal' Bush; POLITICS

20. Some 20 years later, in a famous aphorism Omnis cellula e cellula, Rudolf Virchow Annunciated that all cells arise only from pre-existing cells.: It is utterly ridiculous for John Kerry to say we can stay in Iraq for years, a position hardly different than the anti-war Howard Dean often Annunciated.: The second theme is going to have to be Annunciated by George Bush as he will continue the