Use "geometries" in a sentence

1. Red blood cell sensing systems rely upon straightforward measurement geometries.

2. Thus, optimally adapted layer geometries for the patient can be generated.

3. A piece of paper with some distinct geometries can be used.

4. We'll leave the details of these different geometries for another lesson.

5. Geometries are extracted from the periphery of the first stage partitions.

6. The camera recognizes the geometries by identifying specific points in the drawing.

7. Guide baby to correctly know various geometries such as triangle, hemicycle , rectangle etc.

8. Various valves, pressure regulators, pressure gages, needle geometries, gas selections are also presented.

9. Viruses in Myoviridae are non-enveloped, with head-tail (with a neck) geometries.

10. Full-scale testing simultaneously measured sail geometries, global aerodynamic forces and surface pressure distributions.

11. Timken ® engineered Bearings feature precision tolerances, proprietary internal geometries and quality materials

12. Decoratively wollomai wealdsmen geometries wheezingly staphylodialysis rice-growing harboring tongue-wagging Campanulated snow-fair

13. Quantification of the force systems delivered by transpalatal arches activated in the six Burstone geometries

14. Special geometries of electrodes were designed to determine the dominant mechanism of surface charge accumulation.

15. Some of the vent designs include particular vent hole geometries, plenum spaces, diffusers and fibrous media.

16. There are currently limits to the resolution of the features in geometries built through this method.

17. Note that the geometries are named according to the atomic positions only and not the electron arrangement.

18. Solid Armoring does not always offer the best repair variant owing to the complex geometries en- countered

19. Engineered down to the edge geometries by blademaster Dan Maragni, the Agilite knives are technically superior to …

20. Coverslip glasses in most geometries and thickness are stocked in depth, especially the sizes used with Warner chambers

21. Two geometries for which analytical solutions are available were analyzed using a plane stress finite element computer program.

22. Multiple styles are available such as MLCC chips, leaded Capacitors, stacked Capacitors and Capacitors that utilize unique geometries.

23. Bracelets Inspired by the modern geometries of Italian design, Bulgari designer Bracelets are made to fit all tastes

24. The notion of Ampleness was developed in order to classify the geometries left out in the Trichotomy Conjecture

25. They all experimented with negating the parallel postulate, only to discover that this gave rise to entire alternative geometries.

26. Our Conical Tapered Carbide end mills feature advanced variable geometries to reduce harmonics, increase speeds and feeds and improve cycle times

27. The mutual exchange of adiabats and isotherms, the transformation of circular into rectangular arrangements and the possibility of symmetric subdivision of geometries extends the applicability of the results to a variety of geometries. — Comparison of experimentally determined shape factors with calculated yields differences of±6% at the most.

28. Absorber ETS-Lindgren has the ability to create customized Absorber with special formulations and physical geometries to meet unique requirements

29. The N antenna structures are arranged adjacent to one another and each have different geometries and different, preset resonance frequencies.

30. Free and forced oscillations of a frictionless liquid with a free surface in prolate spheroidal container geometries are investigated analytically.

31. The specific trend features mosaics of circular-concentric configuration, whereas the general one features mosaics of relatively complex, strictly axial geometries.

32. Also offered is the more temperature-resistant kerphalite sand, which is suited for especially complex geometries and internal cores for steel casting.

33. More general affine manifolds or affine geometries are obtained easily by dropping the flatness condition expressed by the Maurer-Cartan equations.

34. The researchers say: using numerical methods, rather than analytical methods, make modelling the three-dimensional flow geometries in MEMS configurations possible.

35. Guide baby to correctly know various geometries such as triangle, hemicycle , rectangle etc. Train baby"s ability of practice and thought;"

36. Experimental studies of the flow inside real-size nozzle geometries revealed the complexity of structures formed over a number of cavitation regimes.

37. Developments included adaptation strategies on truncation error or adjoint methodology and new generation of meshes adapted to complex geometries and curved boundaries.

38. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland.

39. 19 So, they try to prove axiom and also established similarly two new opposite field: non-Cantor's set theory and non-Euclidean geometries.

40. Airfoils TECT Power's specialized airfoil milling process gives us the capability to produce Airfoils with complex geometries, tight tolerances and thin cross-sections

41. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the force systems produced by transpalatal arches (TPAs) activated according to the six classes of geometries described by Burstone and Koenig.

42. In the 19th and 20th centuries mathematicians began to examine geometries that are non-Euclidean, in which space is conceived as curved, rather than flat.

43. So ST_Contains(A,B) implies ST_Within(B,A) except in the case of invalid geometries where the result is always false regardless or not defined

44. Architected materials can actively respond to external stimuli-such as mechanical forces, hydration and magnetic fields-by changing their geometries and thereby achieve novel functionalities

45. Simplified Model Anastomosed fluvial systems have facies associations similar to those of meandering systems (active channel, abandoned channel, overbank, splay) but in different proportions and with different geometries

46. Abstract Cocrystallization of Anilic acids (H 2 xa) and 2,3-di (2-pyridinyl)pyrazine (dppz) affords a variety of molecular geometries, including hydrogen-bonding and supramolecular structures.

47. Video SCHOTT Ampoules A broad range of container geometries, quality levels and controlled surface chemistry enable us to tailor the primary packaging solution to your specific needs.

48. Metal Acetylide complexes refer to compounds, in which alkynyl parts bind to metal centers in a diversity of bonding motifs including the prototypical σ-bonding and π-bonding geometries

49. One of these includes as a special case a known class of spiral flows for geometries wherein the magnetic field and fluid velocity are everywhere inclined at a constant angle.

50. These analytic results are then presented in a compact graphical form which provides a useful means for estimating the moduli when the slender inclusions have non-prolate spheroidal geometries.

51. For the surface case, this can be reduced to a number (scalar), positive, negative, or zero; the non-zero and constant cases being models of the known non-Euclidean geometries.

52. In the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the electronic molecular Hamiltonian is diagonalized on a set of distinct molecular geometries (the obtained eigenvalues are the values of the adiabatic potential energy surfaces).

53. Since then, the geometries of the magic square, also known as Freudenthal-Tits magic square, have been intensively studied over complex numbers with tools from algebraic geometry and representation theory.

54. Advection and diffusion are additive, we will also show that superpostion can be used to build up solutions to complex geometries or initial conditions from a base set of a few general solutions

55. A method of positioning chip capacitors (45, 46) in the Alderman-Grant and related Half-Turn coils is disclosed that permits substantially improved main field homogeneity in HR MAS and conventional 'wideline' NMR coil geometries.

56. ‘For example, we developed highly efficient and accurate algorithms that can be used to simulate the generation and propagation of acoustic waves in such complex geometries as jet turbo engines, which help reduce aircraft-related noise pollution.’

57. The experimental properties (i.e., geometries, relative stabilities, proton affinities, rotation–inversion behaviour) of sulfonium and phosphonium ylides are reproduced well by the model calculations with the 4-31G* basis set, which contains d-type functions on both carbon and sulfur (or phosphorus).

58. For instance, a physical magnitude such as the shear stress on the endothelialmembrane,which is verydifficult to test invitro, canbe easily calculated on real geometries obtained with tri-dimensional algorithms, thanks to the support of modern and noninvasive data acquisition technology (such as nuclear magnetic resonance, digital angiography, axial tomography, and Doppler Anemometry).

59. 3D Bioprinting is a relatively new technological development in the field of regenerative medicine, where additive manufacturing (similar to traditional 3D printing) is used to deposit hydrogel-based supporting biomaterials and living cells or cell aggregates into precise pre-designed geometries in order to build tissue or organ structures in three dimensions (Murphy and Atala

60. Featuring analytical and algebraic approaches, it’s the most comprehensive of its kind on the market, both for reconstruction methods and for supported geometries (cone, parallel, fan beam and helicoidal). More than just computing/reconstruction algorithmics, this plug-in covers the entire processing chain - including pre and post filtering -, which is specially designed for computing on GPUs.

61. Euclid described a line as "Breadthless length" which "lies equally with respect to the points on itself"; he introduced several postulates as basic unprovable properties from which he constructed all of geometry, which is now called Euclidean geometry to avoid confusion with other geometries which have been introduced since the end of the 19th