Use "geometric series" in a sentence

1. So once again, this infinite geometric series will converge.

2. In mathematics, a geometric series is a series with a constant ratio between successive terms.

3. So in general this infinite geometric series is going to converge if the absolute value of your common ratio is less than 1.

4. Stifel explicitly points out, that multiplication and division operations in the (lower) geometric series can be mapped by addition and subtraction in the (upper) arithmetic series.

5. Finally, it is pointed out that when the parameter scvies of products is chosen, it is not always efficacious to apply geometric series first, and the possibility to increase the eco-...

6. A typical 18th-century derivation used a term-by-term manipulation similar to the algebraic proof given above, and as late as 1811, Bonnycastle's textbook An Introduction to Algebra uses such an argument for geometric series to justify the same maneuver on 0.999...