Use "genies" in a sentence

1. It is patterned with genies and sprites. I begged of them, these sprites and genies.

2. Autogenies; cytogenies; embryogenies; cryogenies; Two Letter Pairs in genies

3. In some stories, genies are always found inside a lamp or bottle.

4. My family believed that all the activities of life were controlled by mysterious genies or spirits.

5. Ifrits or Afreets (in Danusia Stok's translation of The Last Wish) are genies from the Plane of Fire

6. Ifrits (also known as Afrits) are lesser demonic genies with elemental affinities who cause havoc wherever they go

7. There is also a neutral, "wandering" class of troops, including Rogues, Nomads, Ghosts (the only one that can not be hired) and Genies.

8. As much as commodities have become a hedge against monetary genies escaping from the bottle, the law of supply and demand eventually trumps all.

9. Fiery columns, fires and explosions the work of Afreets— - pg.251, The Last Wish (UK edition) Ifrits or Afreets1 are genies from the Plane of Fire

10. Together with adaptationism, finalism has made a come-back, not in the guise of a cosmic watch-maker guiding his creatures, but as a multitude of tiny genies manipulating their survival capsule to attain their one and only goal: flooding the universe with copies of themselves.