Use "generalize" in a sentence

1. Blennies are hard to generalize about

2. Now we can generalize the idea.

3. We need to be able to generalize.

4. Perhaps you oughtn't to generalize about that.

5. But the latent inhibition effect did not generalize.

6. It is usually nonconstructive, inelegant, hard to generalize.

7. It is dangerous to generalize about the poor.

8. 13 But the latent inhibition effect did not generalize.

9. When we use " he " , we generalize for both sex.

10. It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.

11. " It is difficult to generalize to real life ," Stirrat said .

12. It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.

13. They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.

14. You can't generalize about a continent as varied as Europe.

15. 19 You can't generalize about a continent as varied as Europe.

16. They must be able to generalize from specific to general categories.

17. Concretize definition: become specific synonyms: change, concretise antonyms: stay, contract, generalize

18. To generalize is to be an idiot. William Blake 

19. It's far too risky to generalize from one set of results.

20. It is inadvisable to generalize from the results of a single experiment.

21. It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.

22. She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.

23. Algebraic number theory studies various number rings that generalize the set of integers.

24. It is impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.

25. 11 She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.

26. We can generalize from the samples and conclude that nitrogen levels have increased.

27. It is not clear whether the effect would generalize to Concentrative meditation training

28. As a child becomes better able to generalize across stimuli, schemata become more refined.

29. Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.

30. China's Department of aviation and spaceflight is striving to research, exploder, and generalize HLA .

31. He said: "People should not generalize that all Shia are heretical, nor none are led astray.

32. The theory is an effort to generalize about relationships that occur regularly, not about coincidental happenings.

33. It has always been difficult to generalize about China because it's such a huge country.

34. It's not hard to generalize the problem above to n Queens on a NxN checkers board.

35. I know I shouldn't generalize, but I do think men find it hard to show their feelings.

36. 19 One can not generalize about a greater receptivity among Protestant clergy toward the new cosmology.

37. And one furthermore has the impulse to generalize, as much as possible, in defining who that enemy is.

38. It is unfair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers.

39. When you reduce some-thing to its most elemental state, its nuclear core(, you can generalize from there.

40. It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalize what he has learned.

41. Secondary teachers only were included, since the case studies about which the survey seeks to generalize were of secondary schools.

42. The Tiros observations combined with the synoptic and aerological data permitted to generalize a formerly derived formula valid for upper troughs for cold fronts [4].

43. 2017 -, Mate Kapović, Anna Giacalone Ramat, Paolo Ramat, The Indo-European Languages, →ISBN: Celtic tended to thematicize Athematic verbs and to generalize a single grade of …

44. So what's the way of building a much more general, but hopefully still very simple abstract model of general equilibrium that will capture and generalize the example we already had?

45. The method reproduces the energy and directional information from sources up to several centimeters in radial extent, so it is expected to generalize well to accelerators made by different manufacturers.

46. We generalize the notion of a regular system of parameters, and prove that for ideals generated by monomials in such elements, the integral closure and Adjoints are generated by monomi-als.

47. It 's difficult to generalize , but for some firms , this historical/current cost differential could be added to a company 's assets , which would boost the company 's equity position and improve its debt/equity ratio .

48. Aphorizer; communicate; intercommunicate; References in periodicals archive? "As he travelled, Hirschman filled his notebooks with petites idees, insights he accumulated along the way: observe, infer, compare, generalize, and then check these generalizations against new observations--and where possible, aphorize

49. ‘The letter g also has the hard Consonantal sound as in ‘grade,’ and so a word such as garam will have the hard sound.’ ‘The efficiency of our fluency training could be enormously improved if the achieved fluency gains would generalize to new words sharing Consonantal onsets with the training words.’

50. Two novel techniques are proposed to design such surfaces: a technique for obtaining a freeform variation of a rigid-foldable and Bidirectionally flat-foldable disk surface, which is a hybrid of generalized Miura-ori and eggbox patterns, and a technique to generalize the geometry of cylindrical surface using Bidirectionally flat-foldable planar

51. Bivariant K-theories generalize K-theory and its dual, often called K-homology, at the same time.They are a powerful tool for the computation of K-theoretic invariants, for the formulation and proof of index theorems, for classification results and in many other instances.The Bivariant K-theories are paralleled by different versions of cyclic theories which have similar formal

52. If we generalize the idea that a first trial can be effectively "voided" because the judge was Bribed; and say "because the trial was a sham": Then we could find similar egregious reasons why a trial is a sham (judge was drunk, lawyer was drunk) and void convictions on those grounds as well, even if all legal recourse has been exhausted.