Use "generalises" in a sentence

1. It generalises piecewise linear geometry, semi-algebraic geometry and globally subanalytic geometry.

2. Barycentric interpolation generalises linear interpolation to arbitrary dimensions. It is very fast although suboptimal if the function is smooth

3. Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.

4. 19) Gamble argues that the Adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.

5. In mathematics a Steinberg symbol is a pairing function which generalises the Hilbert symbol and plays a role in the algebraic K-theory of fields.

6. This generalises the concept of an algebraic variety as (the ideal of a) solution set of an algebraic equation to the (ideal of a) solution set of a PDE called diffiety.

7. Similarly, and fourthly, the observation that Constatives often express beliefs generalises to the observation that speech acts quite generally license the inference that their sincerity conditions are fulfilled (to borrow Searle’s 1969 terminology)

8. Affine scheme, the spectrum of prime ideals of a commutative ring Affine morphism, a morphism of schemes such that the pre-image of an open Affine subscheme is Affine; Affine space, an abstract structure that generalises the Affine-geometric properties of Euclidean space; Affine tensor, a tensor belonging to an Affine coordinate system