Use "gender dysphoria" in a sentence

1. 6 People who have long-lasting and extreme gender dysphoria are known as transsexuals.

2. 4 Transsexualism is a severe gender dysphoria, for which transsexual operation is an important therapy.

3. 11 Gender Dysphoria, literally a misery with regard to gender, is the condition of being in a state of conflict between gender and physical sex.

4. 15 The "running away" of women including Tian Yamei, comes from modern imagination and gender dysphoria of male intellectuals as the leader of the woman liberation.

5. 13 Transsexuality, also termed "Gender Dysphoria" is now reaching the point of being reasonably well understood, though many myths and general foolishness about the subject still abound.

6. Romance Science Fiction Trans Transgender Agender Genderless Non Binary Gender Gender Identity Gender Dysphoria Demi Girl Demi Boy Genderfluid Genderqueer Queer Famous Charlie Emerson is a very special human.

7. 3 Others argue with equal force that gender dysphoria , as it is known, is a psychiatric affliction and that mutilating the body to fit the afflicted psyche is to inflict a double injury on the patient.