Use "gemara" in a sentence

1. The TAlmud consists of what are known as the Gemara and the Mishnah.

2. The distinction between halakha and Aggadah was one that existed at least from the time of the Mishnah and Gemara

3. The Gemara asks: Why are there two Assuagings here? The term shakhakha is used rather than shaka and indicates doubled wrath

4. The answer is written in Gemara and Poskim: Our Rabbis have taught: All the restrictions that apply to the mourner hold equally good of the Ninth of Ab It is also forbidden [thereon] to read the Law (Pentateuch) {they rejoicing the hearth}, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa or to study Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, Halachoth, or Aggadoth; he may, however, read such parts of Scripture which he