Use "gelatinous" in a sentence

1. Winston was gelatinous with fatigue.

2. Gelatinous was the right word.

3. Crepitation - Gelatinous Interdimensional Spunk Trumpet 2

4. This tumor has gelatinous material within it.

5. Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what?

6. Attitudinizing zmrazit provokace gynandromorph gelatinous passat de moda nm

7. 4 Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what?

8. Its body is gelatinous, much like a jelly fish.

9. The leaf epidermis contained gelatinous epidermal cells and hydrapoten.

10. EnCapsulated definition is - surrounded by a gelatinous or membranous envelope

11. Pour a cup of the gelatinous mixture into the blender.

12. The explosive composition of this example was an extrudable gelatinous explosive.

13. Cytoplasm is the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell

14. Ctenophores are gelatinous like sea jellies (“jellyfish”), but lack their stinging cells.

15. It too is gelatinous, and the upper surface if finely felted in texture.

16. Dawn came glassy orange , stained from below by a gelatinous band pale green.

17. Quick facts about this gelatinous deep sea creature! The Blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus, Mr

18. 27 It too is gelatinous, and the upper surface if finely felted in texture.

19. The farinaceous , extensible, gelatinous and baking features of the mixed wheat flour were studied.

20. A pigment mixed with runing runing water and a gelatinous material , esp. egg yolk.

21. Myxomas often have a gelatinous surface. The margins may be irregular or smooth.

22. Algin (plural Algins) Any of various gelatinous gums, derivatives of alginic acid, derived from algae

23. Rooti iyo xalwo, slices of bread served with a gelatinous confection, is another dinner dish.

24. Balastar is a disembodied skull living within a gelatinous cube he Stockholmly calls Greg

25. Centuries later, Balastar is a prisoner within a gelatinous cube he Stockholmly calls Greg

26. Dawn came glassy orange , stained from below by a gelatinous band of pale green.

27. An enamel pot arrived and we dipped our fingers in the sweet, gelatinous stuff.

28. Common name: Aphyonids, Blindfishes, Brotulas, Cuskfishes, Gelatinous cuskeels, Live-bearing brotulas, Live-bearing cusks Silhouette

29. Bouilloni is a small, gelatinous hydrozoan growing to around 2 cm (0.8 in) in width

30. It’s a gelatinous species of Ctenophore, a kind of invertebrate animal that uses cilia to swim

31. The leaves and stems become soft and blackened and the root evil-smelling and gelatinous.

32. These spherical cysts have a smooth rind and are filled with a gelatinous material called Colloid

33. Blancmange definition is - a usually sweetened and flavored dessert made from gelatinous or starchy ingredients and milk.

34. Mucopolysaccharides are gelatinous , slimy , or sticky molecules composed of units or that are related to hexoses.

35. Colloid definition is - a gelatinous or mucinous substance found normally in the thyroid and also in diseased tissue

36. You Belabor it until any sound but the sound of that instrument is, to your ears, gelatinous babble

37. The mustard came in a gelatinous sealed plastic envelope that he had to open with his teeth.

38. An amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and Amoeboid movement

39. Clinically characteristic findings are tarsal giant conjunctival papillae (> 1 mm) and/or limbal gelatinous changes (Trantas dots).

40. Agarose definition: a polysaccharide gelatinous substance usually extracted from agar , used mainly in Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

41. Balastar is a disembodied wizard's skull that is trapped within a gelatinous cube he affectionately calls Greg

42. The Blob is an amorphous, gelatinous alien entity that was brought to planet Earth trapped inside a meteorite

43. Balastar is a dead wizard who's head was scooped up by a gelatinous cube after losing a battle against adventurers

44. To document deodorant efficacy the antimicrobial activity of a gelatinous antiperspirant formulation of aqueous aluminum chloride hexahydrate was investigated.

45. Agar (Agar Agar) is a gelatinous substance that is extracted from seaweed and processed into flakes, powders and sheets

46. The gelatinous orange pebbles peeked up from a wrap of dark, green seaweed under a one-eyed yellow pond.

47. A Bryozoan colony consists of microscopic individuals, or zooids, which are enclosed in a calcareous, chitinous, or gelatinous cell (cystidium)

48. Agar is a type of sugar in a gelatinous form made from algae and typically used to grow bacteria in a lab

49. But the only choices have been glass labware and a product called Matrigel, a gelatinous protein mixture secreted by mouse tumor cells.

50. Seed pans should be filled with this and the gelatinous material containing the seed spread as evenly as possible over the surface.

51. But the only choices hae been glass labware and a product called Matrigel, a gelatinous protein mixture secreted by mouse tumor cells.

52. Near the spill site, researchers have documented a massive die-off of pyrosomes — cucumber-shaped, gelatinous organisms fed on by endangered sea turtles.

53. Albumen definition: the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water

54. Swelling of the Conjunctiva can lead the eye to become irritated and presents as the outer surface looking watery or gelatinous in appearance

55. As the gelatinous body of the Ctenophores resembles that of cnidarian jellyfish, many authors assumed that cnidarians and Ctenophores are related (grouped as ‘coelenterates’ ).

56. Coelenterates (Phylum Coelenterata or Cnidaria) include jellyfish, anemones, corals, and hydras. The phylum is characterized by a gelatinous body, tentacles, and stinging cells called nemadocysts

57. Gang Beasts is a silly multiplayer party game with surly gelatinous characters, brutal mêlée fight sequences, and absurdly hazardous environments

58. Canal system is leuconoid type with Aphodal chambers ; Between the two layers is a gelatinous matrix called mesohyl (or mesoglea) where the sponge's skeleton forms

59. Crawling hands are Slayer monsters that require level 5 Slayer to kill, and are the second Slayer monsters that beginning Slayers can kill, the first being gelatinous abominations

60. Gang Beasts is a silly multiplayer party game with surly gelatinous characters, brutal slapstick fight sequences, and absurd hazardous environments, set in the mean streets of Beef City

61. This swollen portion of the duct called the ampulla contains special hair cells in the form of bundles that are embedded into a gelatinous mass called the cupula.

62. Alginate A gelatinous polysaccharide extract from brown algae and salt of alginic acid, which is a linear polymer of mannuronic and glucuronic acids, found in the cell walls of algae

63. Talking of gelatinous stuff, the single flavoured bland and wobbly things like Blancmanges, creme caramels, syllabubs, panna cottas, mousses and (shudder) milk puddings aren't really trying hard enough

64. Hence kolla +oid (Colloid) = glue-like.This word was first used in the mid-19 th century for substances that have been in a gelatinous or gluey state, like starch in water.

65. In most Chitons, fertilized eggs are shed singly or in gelatinous strings, and once fertilized in the water column, these develop into a trochophore larva (free-swimming and ciliated) that soon

66. This can react with small amounts of soap on paper pulp fibers to give gelatinous aluminium carboxylates, which help to coagulate the pulp fibers into a hard paper surface.

67. Foods that can adapt their shape to that of the pharynx (such as bananas, marshmallows, or gelatinous candies) can be a danger not just for children but for persons of any age.

68. Ectoprocta (ectoprocts, Bryozoa, Bryozoans, Polyzoa, polyzoans, moss animals) External Features The ectoprocts are microscopic, sessile, colonial coelomates that live permanently fastened in exoskeletal cases or gelatinous material of their own secretion

69. An important determinative character of nepheline is the ease with which it is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, with separation of gelatinous silica (which may be readily stained by coloring matters) and cubes of salt.

70. If We Can Get Past the Ickiness, Hagfish Slime May Actually Be Useful to Us The gelatinous glop could be the key to everything from bio-inspired kevlar to shark defense for divers

71. Coagulation is a chemical process used to neutralize charges and form a gelatinous mass to trap (or bridge) particles, thus forming a mass large enough to settle or be trapped in a filter

72. Chondrocytes are mature cells found in cartilage. They make up the cellular matrix of cartilage, performing a number of functions within the tissue, including facilitating the exchange of fluids through the gelatinous layers

73. Agar definition is - a gelatinous colloidal extract of a red alga (as of the genera Gelidium, Gracilaria, and Eucheuma) used especially in culture media or as a gelling and stabilizing agent in foods.

74. Calcium Alginate is a water-insoluble, gelatinous, cream-coloured substance that can be created through the addition of aqueous calcium chloride to aqueous sodium Alginate.Calcium Alginate is also used for entrapment of enzymes and forming artificial seeds in plant tissue culture

75. An amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and amoeboid movement. Amoebas can form temporary extensions of their cytoplasm known as pseudopodia or "false feet" which can be used for locomotion or capturing food

76. Copulation lasts about 15min (Shine et al., 2000c) and ends with the transfer of milky fluids that harden into a gelatinous mating plug (Devine, 1975) which occludes the female's cloaca and prevents remating for 2 or 3 days (Shine et al., 2000d).

77. An Amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and amoeboid movement. Amoebas can form temporary extensions of their cytoplasm known as pseudopodia or "false feet" which can be used for locomotion or capturing food

78. The Acetylenes may be removed from gas streams by a prescrubber tower containing an ammonlacal cuprous acetate solution of 1 mol/liter copper contact, containing about 2 mols of aluminum hydroxide (gelatinous) per atom of copper, through which the acetylene-containing gas is passed

79. Edible oils and fats, milk products, charcuterie, processed seafood, processed foods in granular, powdery, liquid, gelatinous, solid, tablet, or capsulated state consisting essentially of plant extracts, processed vegetables and fruits, processed foods in granular, powdery, liquid, gelatinous, solid, tablet, or capsulated state consisting essentially of vegetables or fruits, fried tofu pieces [abura-age], freeze-dried tofu pieces [kohri-dofu], jelly made from devils' tongue root [konnyaku], soya milk [milk substitute], tofu, fermented soybeans [natto], processed eggs, curry, stew and soup mixes, dried flakes of laver for sprinkling on rice in hot water [ochazuke-nori], seasoned powder for sprinkling on rice [furi-kake]

80. ‘The unicellular Biflagellate green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can perceive light and respond by altering its swimming behavior.’ ‘Around 2000 Biflagellate somatic cells are uniformly distributed over the surface of a transparent gelatinous sphere, with 16 larger asexual reproductive cells, known as gonidia, lying beneath the surface.’