Use "gays" in a sentence

1. You accept discrimination against gays and lesbians, for example.

2. The newspaper condemned the former mayor's bigotry toward gays.

3. More importantly, gays have proved themselves to be style leaders.

4. Les Brigandes perform songs that target Muslims, Jews, journalists, gays, Jesuits, freemasons, politicians and Pope Francis

5. Make sure we don't have a wife-beater or an illegal Allen or gays.

6. Still, it comes at a time when gays and lesbians are pushing hard for the right to wed.

7. Gays and bisexuals are allowed to serve openly in the Slovak Armed Forces.

8. Synonyms for Bulldykes include butches, lezzies, dykes, lesbigays, bulldykers, lesbians, donut bumpers, gays, gayelles and beanflickers

9. Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are also allowed to serve openly in the military.

10. Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of "outing" senior public figures.

11. He has revised regulations to prohibit discrimination against gays serving in federal government.

12. Back then Republicans did not wear polyester or worry about gays and abortion.

13. To say that gays and lesbians are asking for special rights is the height of lunacy.

14. He is likely to overturn the Bush ban on abortion counselling and the military's outlawing of gays.

15. Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can't they just live their lives discreetly?

16. They included dope smugglers, priests and nuns, Acidheads, gays, groupies, environmentalists, and a group who claimed to be from Venus.”

17. Why anyone would demonize Gays as being singularly incapable of behaving Civilly is in itself a crime.

18. There is considerable dissatisfaction among lesbians and gays at their lack of representation, or misrepresentation, on television.

19. Since society does not generally punish people for their illnesses, it followed that society should not persecute gays.

20. He says Bashers perceive their targets as weak, in part because gays and lesbians often don't fight back

21. At bars that cater to black gays along the East Coast, the contest has become a regular attraction.

22. In the letter Ratzinger justified discrimination against gays and lesbians in instances when there was an overriding social interest.

23. Not least of all, it is the San Diego neighborhood that many gays have long embraced as their own.

24. Respondents backed equal rights for gays and lesbians, but they were about evenly split on the morality of homosexual relationships.

25. This little piece of faunal ephemera might otherwise have gone unnoticed outside the rarely intersecting subcultures of gays and shepherds.

26. 13 Mead also said Heller, Ehrman encouraged him to promote the firm as a progressive company for racial minorities and gays.

27. In future, all movie gays will be law-abiding citizens with healthy relationships, no repressive hang-ups, and a glitter-free

28. As another example, the City of Chicago is considering taking set-Asides a step further by designating businesses owned by gays and transgender people as disadvantaged

29. In the United States, about six-in-ten Catholics (61%) said in a 2019 survey that they favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry

30. Interesting article and video on Breitbart about The Daily Show accosting gay people outside a Gays for Trump event at the convention with said Accosters attempting to …

31. ‘Moreover, gay men who speak with what a North American newsreader would consider an ‘accent’ - such as British, Australian, or even Texan gays - rarely Assibilate at all.’

32. ‘Moreover, gay men who speak with what a North American newsreader would consider an ‘accent’ - such as British, Australian, or even Texan gays - rarely Assibilate at all.’.

33. Sponsored by John Briggs, a conservative state legislator from Orange County, Proposition 6 seeks to ban gays and lesbians (in addition to anyone who supports them) from working in California's public schools.

34. The shooting exposed a multitude of sensitive subjects all at once: issues regarding gays, transgender people, bullying, white supremacy, child abuse and school violence came to the surface.

35. Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.

36. She was the keynote speaker for the 1997 national Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) convention, and has since become one of the LGBT community's most vocal advocates.

37. Unlike a lot of Auteurists, gays, and gay Auteurists, I’ve never been overly enraptured by such lush Sirk/Jane Wyman/Rock Hudson weepers as Magnificent Obsession (1954) and All That Heaven

38. If 'passing' is the demand that people pass for something other than they are (blacks with light skin passing as white, gays pretending to be straight), 'Covering' is the idea that, while you don't have to pass, you do have to keep your differences with others under wraps (blacks not acting "too black," or gays making sure not to "act too gay" in "polite company").

39. Denying access for gays and lesbians to the social institution of marriage, even in the context of offering an "alternative" such as registered domestic partnership, is a denial of real equality.

40. It was violence that made gay activism explode in the United States: The Stonewall riots of 19 when a police raid at a bar in New York spurred gays to fight back.

41. The Bigot is usually not simply a racist but an anti-Semite and a sexist (unless he is a Jew or a woman) and generally he has much to say about immigrants, gays, and various ethnicities

42. Cruel crusade: the holy war against lesbians and gays If the central bank chooses not to cooporate (defects), it sets the inflation rate according to equation (4) and runs the risk of being Bashed by the administration.

43. ‘So, for the sake of this venerable pageant, let's hope the hopefuls display gratitude and pulchritude, rather than Crassitude and attitude.’ ‘It definitely has nothing to do with gays marrying and absolutely everything to do with the preponderance of rampant Crassitude.’

44. With all due respect to what Mr Ryan has said, I myself am not greatly in favour of inviting leaders of the major world faiths here to address our plenary unless they are prepared to abjure their discriminatory views on women and gays.