Use "gallic" in a sentence

1. Not more than 0,5 % (as gallic acid)

2. Gallic acid derivatives and use for exploring endogenetic coagulation

3. 6 He towered over everybody like a strapping Gallic chieftain.

4. 10 He usually left me floundering in his voluble Gallic wake.

5. Gaul is a formable nation in Europe, representing a unification of the disparate Gallic tribes from Armorica to Rhaetia, and can be formed by any country in the Gallic or Belgae culture groups with a capital in one of the main Gallic regions

6. Keywords: carbohydrate, dendrimer, sialic acid, gallic acid, lectin, wheat germ agglutinin, Limaxflavus.

7. The etching composition comprises an alkali metal hydroxide and gallic acid.

8. Alkaloids (Arecaidine and Arecoline), tannin, gallic acid, volatile oil, lignin, Arecoline, Arecain, Guracine

9. He commanded 4,000 Numidian, 2,000 Iberian, 4,000 Gallic and 450 Libyan-Phoenician cavalry.

10. OBJECTIVE:To determine the content of gallic acid in viviparous bistort rhizome by HPLC.

11. The present invention relates to a method for isolating catechin, epicatechin, and gallic acid from chestnut extracts, and a novel use of chestnut extracts, and the catechin, epicatechin and gallic acid isolated therefrom.

12. Autoxidation of gallic acid induces ROS-dependent death in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells

13. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Italy, Vercelli, museo camillo leone, Gallic Armlets.

14. “Julius Caesar wrote his Commentaries on the Gallic War in the year 52 before Christ.

15. In this study, native pectin (Na-Pe) was Acylated with gallic acid through enzymatic method

16. Chlorogenic acid and gallic acid, both major phenolic components of fermented juice, had no effect on glucose uptake.

17. First British women came under attack for being Chubbier and less chic than their stylish Gallic sisters.

18. 30 HPLC method was used to determined the content of gallic acid in Compound Zhenzhu Kouchuang Granule.

19. Gallic acid, of a purity by weight of 98,5 % or more calculated on the dry weight (measured by acidimetry)

20. The first confrontations between a Roman army and the peoples of Germania Inferior occurred during Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars.

21. An additive for a heating type asphalt, which comprises a specific ester of gallic acid or the like.

22. A Pre-Gallic hypothesis has also been considered more in line with local phonetic rules such as Fénié.

23. Language of the Belgae tribes In Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars, he clearly labels at least 5 Belgic tribes as fully Germanii

24. Carcinogenesis Gallic acid, a predominant polyphenol, has been shown to inhibit Carcinogenesis in animal models and in vitro cancerous cell lines.

25. 12 His son Michel is apparently taking over the family trade, and has perfected the sad Gallic intonations of his dad.

26. One group of Numidians met a group of Roman and Gallic cavalry while scouting and retreated after a brief skirmish.

27. CONCLUSION:The method is convenient, fast, reproducible, which can be used for the content determination of gallic acid in viviparous bistort rhizome.

28. Beaune was a Gallic sanctuary, then a Roman town; some of its ramparts are still intact and you can even walk on them

29. Cyanotype toned with gallic acid on arches aquarelle 300# watercolor paper 10” x 10” unframed/ 16” x 16” framed $425 unframed/ $525 framed

30. The behavior of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), salicylic acid, gallic acid and benzoic acid toward silver salt solutions was found to be characteristic and described.

31. Aurelian reigned (270–275) through the worst of the crisis, defeating the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Palmyrenes, the Persians, and then the remainder of the Gallic Empire.

32. Cisalpine Gaul The Italic and Gallic tribes to the north hold sway over the fertile Padus valley and block our land access to the north

33. The scene features Attalid cavalry riding to the rescue of distressed Roman legionaries, both fighting in opposition to Antiochus the Great’s heavy phalanx and Gallic cavalry

34. Belgae an ancient Celtic people inhabiting Gaul north of the Seine and Marne Rivers, eventually defeated by Julius Caesar in the Gallic Wars of 58–51 bc

35. Around 390 BC, the Gallic chieftain Brennus made his own way through the Alps, defeated the Romans in the Battle of the Allia and sacked Rome for several months.

36. Ancyra (Aγκύρα). A city of Galatia, in Asia Minor, originally the chief city of a Gallic tribe named the Tectosages, who came from the south of France. - Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities.

37. The areca nut contains tannin, gallic acid, a fixed oil gum, a little Terpineol, Lignin, various saline substances and three main alkaloids: Arecoline, Arecain and Guracine which have vasoconstricting properties.[1]

38. As one of the four departements of the Poitou-Charentes region, the history of Charente can be traced back to the early Gallic settlers known as the Pictavi in the second century BC

39. Not to be confused with Bibrax, the oppidum of the Remi. BiBracte, a Gallic oppidum or fortified settlement, was the capital of the Aedui and one of the most important hillforts in Gaul

40. [French Carriole, from Old Provençal carriola, diminutive of carri, chariot, from Latin carrus, a Gallic type of wagon; see kers- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English

41. Gallic acid inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (C121) Photo oxidation with singlet oxygen is not even controlled by the antioxidants commonly used to inhibit Autoxidation (Kiritsakis and Dugan, 1985).

42. The Armigeri defensores seniores is listed ( 98/9.101 in Ingo Maier's numbering scheme) as fourth of the 32 legiones comitatenses under the Magister Peditum and assigned ( 102/5.132) to the Magister Equitum's Gallic command under the same name

43. The Belgae were a large Gallic-Germanic confederation of tribes living in northern Gaul, between the English Channel, the west bank of the Rhine, and the northern bank of the Seine from the third century BC

44. Aurelian presided over a divided empire during the Crisis of the Third Century, and he succeeded in reconquering Tetricus I's Gallic Empire and Zenobia's Palmyrene Empire before being assassinated by his own generals in 275 AD while …

45. When he published his two Apotheoses in memory of two great masters of music in 1724-25, Couperin was asserting his desire to promote a meeting of the French and Italian styles, from a very Gallic point of view, naturally.

46. The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition for preventing skin aging containing, as active ingredients, gold nanoparticles which have been surface-treated with a mixed solution which has one organic acid, selected from gallic acid and protocatechuic acid, and which has isoflavones.

47. Has its capital in the region of Cisalpine Gaul; Has a primary culture in the Gallic culture group; Is not a subject, ally, or at war with the current country; Do the following: Get the opinion modifier Roman Expansion towards the current country, giving -50 opinion with a …

48. Syringic, vanillic,p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, and gallic acids and the flavonol aglycones myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin were detected in both varieties, although syringic acid (detection limit 6 ng) was only recorded in the Cencibel grapes and isorhamnetin (detection limit 25 ng) was only recorded in Airén grape samples collected at around maturity.

49. L'Absente is like that French girl you meet in Paris and fall in love with immediately (she's a little shy, introspective, slightly distant and darkly Gallic but once you get to know her better she's friendly, warm, thoughtful and fun to be around while still retaining an air of dark humour and sad beauty )

50. Nicolai supplies a terrifically minimalist but dynamic backdrop for Chaton's words, its droning ambience punctuated with bullet-like percussion (the Bolshiest number, 'Back In Town', sounds like Von Sudenfed gone Gallic), but the real star of the show is The Ex's Andy Moor, whose guitar parts, as treated and arranged by Nicolai, are just

51. More specifically, the present invention relates to a composition for preventing and treating brain diseases and a functional health food composition for improving brain diseases comprising chestnut extracts or at least one polyphenol ingredient selected from catechin, epicatechin and gallic acid isolated therefrom, which are especially effective for degenerative brain diseases including Alzheimer's dementia and the like.

52. The present invention provides an eperisone pharmaceutical composition having improved preservability and pH stability, the composition containing 20-60 wt% of eperisone or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof; 1-30 wt% of at least one acidifier selected from D-glucaric acid, D-glucoascorbic acid, gluconic acid, D-glucuronic acid, gluconolactone, glucuronolactone, glutamic acid, itaconic acid, caffeic acid, glycyrrhizic acid, ethane sulfonic acid, benzene sulfonic acid, dehydroascoribic acid, salicylic acid, salicyl sulfonic acid, gallic acid, nicotinic acid, and chlorogenic acid; 0.3-8 wt% of a binder; and 10-80 wt% of a diluent.