Use "gall-bladder" in a sentence

1. This is probably because of impaired gall bladder contraction.

2. He later had to have his gall bladder removed.

3. Diamond originally specialized in salt absorption in the gall bladder.

4. 19 This is probably because of impaired gall bladder contraction.

5. 14 This is probably because of impaired gall bladder contraction.

6. Eight hours after octreotide injection, postprandial gall bladder contraction was partially restored.

7. Jones died Monday at age 51 of complications after gall bladder surgery.

8. Recent evidence suggests, however, that nicotine inhibits gall bladder bile mucin concentration.

9. After each mode of octreotide treatment, postprandial residual gall bladder volume increased.

10. She had an operation to remove a stone from her gall bladder.

11. 22 Recent evidence suggests, however, that nicotine inhibits gall bladder bile mucin concentration.

12. Objective : To study the effect of Daidzein on gall bladder the spontaneous constriction.

13. All of the patients in the late complication group has an insitu gall bladder.

14. Patients with previous cholecystitis diagnosed by scintigraphic examination of the gall bladder were excluded.

15. Low plasma octreotide concentration and increased fasting volume may explain improved gall bladder contraction.

16. It would seem that acromegaly as such does not directly impair gall bladder contraction.

17. 9 Fasting gall bladder volume increased after injections, compared with the volume before treatment.

18. On balance the better controlled studies have shown that cigarette smoking promotes gall bladder disease.

19. 26 It would seem that acromegaly as such does not directly impair gall bladder contraction.

20. 23 Low plasma octreotide concentration and increased fasting volume may explain improved gall bladder contraction.

21. 29 Electron microscopy showed typical gall bladder epithelia with microvilli, tight junctions, and mucus droplets.

22. 5 Low plasma octreotide concentration and increased fasting volume may explain improved gall bladder contraction.

23. 28 Similarly, increased fasting gall bladder volumes have been reported in obese, tall, and muscular subjects.

24. This study indicates that octreotide injections impair postprandial gall bladder contraction for at least four hours.

25. SUPPORTS DETOXIFICATION & Weight Loss - Butyrate helps cleanse the liver, the gall bladder, and the biliary tree*.

26. 11 Similarly, increased fasting gall bladder volumes have been reported in obese, tall,( and muscular subjects.

27. However, there were complications that required additional surgery, jaundice possibly caused by gall-bladder disease, and pneumonia.

28. A direct relation between body mass index and the risk of gall bladder disease has been described.

29. Bilirubin, the main part of bile, is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.

30. 30 This study indicates that octreotide injections impair postprandial gall bladder contraction for at least four hours.

31. 3 However, there were complications that required additional surgery, jaundice possibly caused by gall-bladder disease, and pneumonia.

32. No mutations were detected in normal tissue from the same cancer patients or in five gall bladder Carcinomas.

33. This finding adds support to the argument for the continued use of methods which preserve the gall bladder.

34. The effect of octreotide on gall bladder motility may not be crucial in the formation of gall stones.

35. It is formed by the union of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct (from the gall bladder).

36. Our study also showed that postprandial gall bladder contraction was suppressed for at least four hours after octreotide injection.

37. Continuous saline infusion through a side port of the lithotrite was maintained throughout to keep the gall bladder distended.

38. It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations.

39. Is it really the case that gall bladder surgery and a trip to Paris are just the same thing?

40. Like others, we saw postprandial gall bladder filling rather than contraction at 45 minutes and four hours after injection.

41. The concentrations of total lipid and protein in gall bladder bile were not significantly different between the two groups.

42. Together with other components, it is transported into the gall bladder where the mixture is concentrated, making up the Bile.

43. Sedated only by brandy, 11th president of the United States James Polk survived gall bladder surgery at the age of

44. 9 Sedated only by brandy, 11th president of the United States James Polk survived gall bladder surgery at the age of

45. 1 Mr Honecker, 77 and still recovering from a gall-bladder operation, has so far flatly rejected all notions of change.

46. Cholecystokinin definition: a hormone secreted by duodenal cells that stimulates the contraction of the gall bladder Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

47. In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.

48. We found that patients with acromegaly not receiving treatment, were able to contract their gall bladder almost completely after a meal.

49. 8 In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.

50. Paired hepatic and gall bladder bile samples were collected from 10 patients with cholesterol gall stones and six patients without gall stones.

51. Biliary definition: of or relating to bile , to the ducts that convey bile, or to the gall bladder Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

52. Recent Examples on the Web The same incision had been used to perform a liver resection and a Cholecystectomy (removal of the gall bladder), following the initial procedure

53. Endoscopy of the afferent loop of the gastrojejunostomy allowed direct visualization of the gall-bladder with retrograde contrast medium opacification of the dilated biliary tree via the cystic duct.

54. Not only does it improve liver and gall bladder function, but it also benefits your kidneys, making it an essential part of any purifying treatment.Plus, it gives Broths a delicious flavor

55. 6b, the FITC-labeled polymers were quickly eliminated through the liver to accumulate in the gall bladder with the Bilifaction at 1 hpi, then directly excreted through bile pathway to the gastrointestinal tract

56. Colic is a form of pain that starts and stops abruptly. It occurs due to muscular contractions of a hollow tube (colon, gall bladder, ureter, etc.) in an attempt to relieve an obstruction by forcing content out

57. In confirming the diagnosis of an agenesis of the gall bladder, it is necessary to exclude the abnormal locations which are intrahepatic, retrohepatic, on the left side, or within the lesser omentum or falciform ligament and retroperitoneal.

58. The author Adduces modern data on the ethiology and pathogenesis of chronic cholecystitis and the stages of the development of biliary pathology (motorotonic disturbances of the gall bladder and the sphincter apparatus of the extrahepatic biliary tract - chronic acalculous cholecystitis - …

59. One of the major actions of this hormone is on the gall bladder.In fact, the name “Cholecystokinin” means “moving the gall bladder,” referencing the fact that this hormone causes the gallbladder to contract, stimulating it to release bile into the digestive tract.

60. This study was conducted to determine the ontogenetic development of the digestive tract and its accessory structures (liver, pancreas, and gall bladder) in Agastric larval Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus with the histological and ultrastructural approaches from hatching to 56 days after hatching (DAH)

61. Here we are saved the study of such complex associa-tions as occur in the gall-bladder-inhabiting Myxosporidia, which may be the product of intense nuclear division and plasmotomy from one or two Amoebula spores or may be the result of multiple infection.

62. Tàu phải nhường đường glow filament rabi 幽囚 [ゆうしゅう] uncountable gall bladder murie sforzo counter offer line cork screw asetyylidigitoksiini Botanizes files confirmation koji teži za nečim situation, existing state of affairs பல்பொந்துள coarse-mouthed தண்டிழுவை opprobrious due …

63. ‘The most common abdominal operation performed on an emergency basis is the Appendectomy, which is performed more than 250,000 times annually in the United States.’ ‘If a patient keeps going back to a specialist, particularly a surgeon, then hysterectomies, appendectomies and gall bladder operations are carried out unnecessarily.’

64. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone that causes contraction of the gall bladder (the meaning of its name) and also release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.Originally it was thought that these were the actions of two different hormones, Cholecystokinin and pancreozymin, but they were later found to be identical.

65. They included twelve genera and proposed five synapomorphies for the tribe: presence of a pair of mammae on the chest; a long palate marked by posterolateral palatal pits, perforations near the third molar; absence of an alisphenoid strut, which in some sigmodontines separates two foramina (openings) in the skull; absence of a suspensory process of the squamosal bone attached to the roof of the tympanic cavity, the tegmen tympani; and absence of a gall bladder.