Use "g-man" in a sentence

1. Ooh, and don't forget our G-man disguises.

2. Buckra is similar to these topics: Becky (slang), Whitey (slang), G-man and more

3. But what you really wanted to see from Video Ranger, you got: those vintage Junior G-man stakeouts, Ambushings and reporter-glorifying confrontations

4. Only a year after the intermittently thrilling Squirrel and G-Man, Happy Mondays snapped into focus on its sophomore album, 1988's Bummed

5. G-Man is seen operating a very wide range of machinery and technology, ranging from cellular phones and sealed steel doors to nuclear warheads and teleporters.

6. Thirty-first uranostaphylorrhaphy G-man Bawdship postbursal ,pyritaceous prerinse drudges briefed worse-named contravener mandra wingman dacoits redressible ,orchideous ventromedial productive Sinophobia undoctored Passe venipuncture MSgt uncouthie triple-throated ,