Use "futurists" in a sentence

1. Even such popular futurists as Alvin and Heidi Toffler generally subsume women into a homogeneous, unisex future.

2. Accurately, though unfairly, contemporary critics of the Futurists denounced them with the vindictive labels: photographic, cinematic.

3. Then there are more modern forms of impressionism as well as the futurists, the abstractionists, the cubists, the surrealists and the essentialists.

4. Futurists call this kind of fundamental transformation a paradigm shift, although the term is now a misused buzzword for any change.

5. 23 Futurists call this kind of fundamental transformation a paradigm shift, although the term is now a misused buzzword for any change.

6. In case you doubted that the 21st century as envisioned by past generations' pulp futurists had arrived, check out the Biospheres Amazon has proposed to anchor its new downtown Seattle headquarters.