Use "funicle" in a sentence

1. 6 Seed funicle inflated at base, appendage stomach-shaped.

2. Solution: In orthotropous ovule (also called Atropous or erect ovule) chalaza, micropyle and funicle lie in a straight line

3. Based on the position of micropyle and ovule orientation with respect to the funicle, there are five types of ovules as orthotropous or Atropous, anAtropous, campylotropous, amphitropous and hemianAtropous

4. Hypocryphalus can be distinguished from Cryphalus Erichson by the 5-segmented antennal funicle, the 3 procurved to nearly Bisinuate sutures of its sub circular club, and by the equally wide tarsomeres.

5. Orthotropous (Atropous) This is where the body of these ovules is straight so that the chalaza, where the nucellus and integuments merge, the funicle, which attaches the ovule to the placenta, and the micropyle are all aligned

6. Ips grandicollis adults are dark red-brown to almost black and about 3-5 mm in body length; sometimes adult is shining and glabrous, dull and coarsely granulate, densely pubescent or covered with scales; Antennae geniculate, funicle five-segmented, with abrupt three-segmented club; subcircular to oval, strongly flattened, with sutures strongly to moderately Bisinuate; Elytra terminate in a

7. Aril A usually fleshy and often brightly coloured outgrowth from the funicle or hilum of a seed, a third integument.Arils probably often aid seed dispersal, by drawing attention to the seed after the fruit has dehisced, and by providing food as an attractant and reward to the disperser.The Aril of the nutmeg (see MYRISTICA) produces the spice mace, and the seed itself is the nutmeg.