Use "functus officio" in a sentence

1. an ex officio member of the committee.

2. The president sat on the committee ex officio.

3. The president is an ex officio member of the committee.

4. 23 The comprehensive reform of judgement mode has changed the ex officio doctrine in Chinese judicature tradition.

5. The head of the department serves as an ex officio member of the board.

6. Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae selectae Agapeti diaconi De officio regis ad Iustinianum Caesarem by Aesopus

7. Oppositions could be filed only on relative grounds, because absolute grounds were examined ex officio.

8. It will have a Management Committee consisting of Secretary, DFS as the ex-officio Chairman.

9. The Presiding Officer of the concerned House is the ex officio Chairman of the Committee .

10. Councillors The Governor's Council is composed of eight individuals elected from districts, and the Lieutenant Governor who serves ex officio.

11. The comprehensive reform of judgement mode has changed the ex officio doctrine in Chinese judicature tradition.

12. The doctrine of ex officio ruling principle of our country's civil procedure for a long time.

13. The board comprises elected members besides ex-officio and nominated members as per the Cantonments Act, 2006.

14. The Speaker of the New York City Council, and its Majority and Minority Leaders, are all ex officio members of each of its committees.

15. The Chief Justice is also an ex officio member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution and, by custom, is elected chancellor of the board.

16. In addition to the twenty-four voting privy counselors, the prime minister and the other ministers of state were ex officio members of the council.

17. Elected Lawyer Benchers Inside Toronto Elected Lawyer Benchers Outside Toronto Elected Paralegal Benchers Appointed Benchers Ex-Officio and Honorary Benchers Bencher Election 2019 Show or hide this menu section

18. The committee also establishes a four - member scheduling group. The members shall consist of the department chair, acting as the ex officio convenor, and the chairs of the three sub committees.

19. Se consule cupidissime populi Romani amicitiam Appetisse: cur hunc tam temere quisquam ab officio discessurum iudicaret? Sibi quidem persuaderi cognitis suis postulatis atque aequitate condicionum perspecta eum neque suam neque populi Romani gratiam repudiaturum.

20. The Vice President does not automatically receive a pension based on that office, but instead receives the same pension as other members of Congress based on his ex officio position as President of the Senate.

21. In 1948 the ethnic composition of the Council was made up as follows: 28 Malay representatives, including all the Chief Ministers, 14 Chinese representatives, 6 Indian representatives, and 14 Europeans (the ex officio and official members).

22. The Office of the Ex-Officio Constable for the Las Vegas Township is managed and operated under the direction of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.Services provided include processing abandoned vehicle complaint reports, writs of execution and …

23. Si te Bacchantem atque iterum vesana furentem Ut nuper cernam, caput hoc cervice cruenta Ex humeris cedat nostris, nec deinde vocetur 270 Telemachi genitor fato iam functus Ulysses; Ni te comprendens, charas e corpore vestes Et laenam et tunicam eripiam et quae turpia celant Membra tibi, et flentem Danaum ad tentoria pellam, Verberaque incutiam

24. The park is maintained by the Central Park Conservancy, a private, not-for-profit organization that manages the park under a contract with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, in which the president of the Conservancy is ex officio Administrator of Central Park.

25. The Commissariat, also known as the Officio Prefectus, is a faculty of the Departmento Munitorum overseeing the activities of the Commissar officer corps within the Astra Militarum.The Commissariat attaches Commissars to most Regiments of the Imperial Guard to inspire its men, boost morale, and if necessary take control when its commanders or soldiery are demonstrating a lack of …