Use "functioned" in a sentence

1. The Inquisition functioned as a police force for the church.

2. It functioned briefly until Nazi Germany annexed the country.

3. The Bacteriocin functioned well at a low pH of 2 to 6

4. The Conoid and trapezoid ligaments functioned reciprocally during shoulder abduction

5. In Iraq, the place functioned at temperatures above 40 degrees.

6. São Tomé has functioned under a multiparty system since 1990.

7. The hAversack functioned a bit like a ditty bag for soldiers

8. Haifa formerly functioned as the western terminus of an oil pipeline from Iraq via Jordan.

9. Instead, the five chief cities with their dependent towns functioned somewhat like a confederacy, an axis.

10. Large Arbalests, called ballista, functioned as artillery during both the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

11. The Ad Hoc Committee on PAROS functioned successfully in the Conference for many years

12. Propargylic Acetates functioned as α-acylvinyl anion equivalents to react with carbocations generated from alkyl chlorides

13. This set up functioned till 1990, when Assembly was reinstated, the Lt. Governor retained its role.

14. The PRB functioned as a one-party people's republic, with People's Committees representing local governance.

15. Ambulacra lined by inlet pores that led to complex pleated WVS chambers - hydrospires - that functioned in gas exchange.

16. The White House initiative functioned in this way not as a mandate but as a disincentive.

17. 10 Among other things, kingship functioned as a kind of conduit through which man was linked to his gods.

18. From the Cambridge English Corpus These may have functioned as lids for complex censers or Braziers

19. Among other things, kingship functioned as a kind of conduit through which man was linked to his gods.

20. A colon functioned to separate millions from thousands, and the $ sign was inserted between thousands and hundreds (999 or fewer).

21. On the one hand, temple police functioned as a small mercenary army to protect the temple precincts.

22. Many algae are quantitatively significant constituents in various facies and some forms functioned as framebuilders in reef facies.

23. The county government was particularly important in imperial China because this was the lowest layer at which the imperial government functioned.

24. I functioned as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs of India, in addition to discharging my other Ministerial responsibilities, from 2014 to 2016.

25. As the NEC's deputy for domestic policy issues, Sperling has functioned as both policy wonk and political guru.

26. The system functioned smoothly only when both Assembly and Emperor acted in a spirit of cooperation for the national good.

27. A.H. Cobb replaced him in 1909, and in 1910 Cobb functioned as a travelling manager semi-permanently stationed in India.

28. It was still a long way from biochemistry,( i.e. the understanding of how these substances functioned in the living organism.

29. All early lamps fashioned from a wick floating in a bowl of oil functioned according to the principle of capillary action.

30. Like the Datapoint 2200, it used discrete transistor–transistor logic instead of a microprocessor, but it functioned like a microcomputer in some ways.

31. Stratton Oakmont functioned as a boiler room that marketed penny stocks and defrauded investors with the "pump and dump" type of stock sales.

32. First used in pre-Christian Roman architecture, the Apse often functioned as an enlarged niche to hold the statue of a deity in a temple.

33. The theory that frills functioned as a sexual display was first proposed by Davitashvili in 1961 and has gained increasing acceptance since.

34. Americanization or civilization of native children continued through a system of boarding schools that functioned as total institutions – teaching vocational skills while eradicating native culture.

35. The path was built to serve an observatory that functioned at the top of the Ben at the turn of the century.

36. Despite the fact that early detailed records do not survive, we can say that early Egyptian royal catalogues functioned, in a way, as non-detailed Annalistic records

37. In 1716, the Bani Utub settled in Kuwait, which at this time was inhabited by a few fishermen and primarily functioned as a fishing village.

38. Though its stated purpose was the promotion of world revolution, the Comintern functioned chiefly as an organ of Soviet control over the international communist movement

39. The logical place for this seemed to be Penang, which, although not geographically central, was where the Society’s literature depot had functioned successfully for many years.

40. We propose calling the latter type an H-type Casparian band. It functioned as an apoplastic barrier to berberine applied either externally or internally by injection into the cortical aerenchyma.

41. Other articles where Antler is discussed: artiodactyl: Social behaviour: Horns or Antlers eventually functioned to maintain head contact during struggles rather than to bruise, slash, or gore

42. Minstrel shows with white performers in Blackface became widespread in popular culture, a form of entertainment that also functioned to dehumanize African Americans and sought to legitimize slavery and oppression.

43. These sanctums, which until March of 2020, were be thronged by tens and thousands of devotees every day, also functioned as some of the city’s biggest Almonries responsible for feeding millions

44. In addition, Break down functioned as a contemporary memento mori: all of us, to differing degrees, use possessions to construct our identities and project ourselves to others – yet here was a

45. These sanctums, which until March of 2020, were be thronged by tens and thousands of devotees every day, also functioned as some of the city’s biggest Almonries responsible for feeding millions

46. I bought two of these humbucker Baseplates to modify my 2013 Gibson Les Paul LPJ, that has with 490r and 498t pickups, which were underneath ugly black pickup covers that functioned as Baseplates

47. The five-Aisled building occupies the position of a porch and functioned as a Lady chapel with the great west door being blocked during the Medieval period by an altar to the Virgin Mary

48. Shell Colouration in extant Nautilus consists of transversal irregular bands on the coiled shell and it is widely accepted that shell Colouration functioned as a camouflage (for summary see Stenzel 1964 and Kobluk & Mapes 1989).

49. Modern architects have attributed this intriguing acoustic feature to a large recess in the wall of the Mihrab and several recesses in the surrounding walls which functioned as resonators; this design helped everyone to hear the speaker at the Mihrab.

50. Inscribed colossi functioned as cult-statues, with related Architraval inscriptions producing a ‘temporal sphere’, where ritual was embedded and re-enacted perpetually, in a ‘recurrent festival of renewal’, (Bell,.1985-p.260;.Grallert,.2007-pp38-39;.Bryan-Dorman,1994-p.xix)

51. 2017 Humans do have weak vestigial muscles attached to the shell of the ear, called the Auricle or pinna, as well as evidence of a vestigial nervous system, which could have functioned to orient the ears.

52. The Republican Party was essentially a vehicle for Sirik Matak's interests, and functioned mainly as an alternative to the power bloc of the other coup leader General Lon Nol, whose brother Lon Non controlled the Socio-Republican Party (PSR).

53. It is true that "sola scriptura" has all-too often functioned as a licence for individualism - "every man his own pope" - but it originated in a context which emphasised confession as a corporate, "Churchly…

54. In agriculture, Agrobiology was a discipline in the field of biology that focused on the study of soil nutrition and plant growth. In 2371, Keiko O'Brien took part in an Agrobiology expedition to the Janitza Mountains on Bajor, where she functioned as the chief botanist

55. During the era of terrorism by El Sendero Luminoso (Shinning Path) and the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, military and paramilitary groups (like the aforementioned Grupo Colina) allegedly acted as collaborators in the fight against terrorism, but in practice they functioned like death squads.

56. The Alcalde, the most important official in the Spanish municipality, acted not only as the chief executive in a Spanish town, but also functioned as a judge of minor cases and as the head of the ayuntamiento, or town council.His responsibilities combined components of the …

57. Codpieces also functioned a useful little purse for storing precious items like coins, or jewels, and tradition claims this as the origin of the expression ‘a man’s family jewels.’ They are garments that tend to arouse wonder and disbelief in post-Tudor viewers, so much so that the Museum of London has a whole drawer of Codpieces that

58. The word calamari was borrowed into English from 17th-century Italian, where it functioned as the plural of "calamaro" or "calamaio." Calamari comes from the Medieval Latin noun Calamarium, meaning "ink pot or "pen case," and can be ultimately traced back to Latin calamus, meaning "reed pen."

59. Shortly after diagnosis of the games terminal illness, the berserker community had come to realise that the barbarian assault mini game no longer functioned as it was originally intended too and therefore they were left with no way to acquire the mythical fighters torso, a Berserkan staple in which legend told blessed the berserk warrior with a

60. Prior to the progressive development of the law of armed conflict heralded by the 1949 Geneva Conventions — most particularly in relation to the concepts of international and non-international armed conflict-the customary doctrine on recognition of Belligerency functioned for almost 200 years as the definitive legal scheme for differentiating internal conflict from civil wars, in which the

61. The Cognomen (plural cognomina) formed one of the three parts of the typical Roman name.It was placed after the praenomen and nomen.Originally cognomina were nicknames, but by the time of the Roman Empire they were inherited from father to son.Thus the Cognomen in combination with the nomen functioned as a surname, breaking families into smaller groups than just the nomen alone.

62. the complex organization that this area still hold gives us an idea of how the Alcazaba functioned as an independent city. A plaque with verses from poet Francisco de Icaza adorns the Torre de la Polvora talks of the beauty of this place: "Give them alms, woman, for there is nothing sadder in life as the pity for the man who is blind in Granada .