Use "functionaries" in a sentence

1. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew.

2. They furnished the Temple with its dignitaries and functionaries.

3. It was a town of magistrates and lawyers, of government functionaries and landed nobles.

4. They include parchment and paper rolls prepared by receivers, manorial court officials and other functionaries.

5. In this interpretation, information specialists were functionaries who merely implemented the decisions of top management.

6. Historically, Almoners were Christian religious functionaries whose duty was to distribute alms to the poor

7. There were very few functionaries, however mean, who would stoop to inquire into the maintenance of toilets.

8. Synonyms for Apparatchiks include bureaucrats, functionaries, mandarins, administrators, civil servants, ministers, officials, public servants, office-bearers and officers

9. (a) whether the State functionaries of Arunachal Pradesh have predicted a Kargil like situation in the State;

10. Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites.

11. A group of state functionaries left when they were refused the gas masks that they had requested.

12. On our wish-list, needless to say, we would name only serious writers, rather than hacks or functionaries.

13. Synonyms for Apparatchiki include bureaucrats, functionaries, mandarins, administrators, civil servants, ministers, officials, public servants, office-bearers and officers

14. Even some Party functionaries were heard to say that it would be better if Goebbels stopped writing and speaking altogether.

15. Below this top crust was a growing group which included teachers, notaries, minor government functionaries and moderately successful traders.

16. Lenin accepted that socialism would be a form of state, but with a different mode of organizing state functionaries.

17. Instrumentalists regard administrative elites as simply functionaries who make policy according to the rational interests of the capitalist class.

18. In these times, administrative statistics is not confined to only the affairs of the State and to the government functionaries.

19. The Charter makes it very clear that the services are their right and not a favour from the local government functionaries.

20. Despite frequent references in the press to the number of Party functionaries in leading posts at the Front, such criticisms persisted.

21. The bourgeoisie became a source of state functionaries as the sale of offices increased to pay for the ever-growing cost of armies.

22. The eyewitnesses included paramedics, on-duty militsiya functionaries, seamen and the longshoremen at Petrozavodsk’s port, military, local airport staff and an amateur astronomer.

23. 12 The bourgeoisie became a source of state functionaries as the sale of offices increased to pay for the ever-growing cost of armies.

24. An MP switched over to the BJP in the presence of Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday, setting of Churnings as several disgruntled functionaries rallied behind him

25. This formidable Censor of the public functionaries, by Arraigning them at the tribunal of public opinion, produces reform peaceably, which must otherwise be done by revolution

26. Seers/Diviners/Augurers Teachers We may even suspect that the Druids performed drama, in which case we could, like the Greeks, add Actors to the list as religious functionaries

27. Levite, member of a group of clans of religious functionaries in ancient Israel who apparently were given a special religious status, Conjecturally for slaughtering idolaters of the golden calf during the time of Moses (Ex

28. Levite, member of a group of clans of religious functionaries in ancient Israel who apparently were given a special religious status, Conjecturally for slaughtering idolaters of the golden calf during the time of Moses (Ex