Use "functional distribution of income" in a sentence

1. 1 Employment; Income distribution and wealth.

2. 3 The measurement of income distribution Official statistics measure income in a variety of ways.

3. However, the income distribution remains grossly uneven.

4. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.

5. Primary distribution is that of the income from production factors.

6. 30 This article attempts to discuss its impact on macroeconomic stability in terms of national income distribution, reviews the growth and income distribution strategy in China.

7. Current income (net accumulated profit), profit of the previous year before distribution

8. Current income (net accumulated profit), profit of the previous year (before distribution).

9. It said pay cuts were needed to "further equalise distribution of income".

10. Current income (net accumulated profit), profit of the previous year before distribution.

11. Unlike other functional categories, no primary income accrues on financial derivatives.

12. 9 Chapter four makes an appropriate appraisal of current income distribution and proposes some countermeasures to reduce the income gap.

13. The distribution and use of income accounts exist for all the institutional sectors.

14. Allocative policies are concerned with the distribution of income, services, and goods within society

15. Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.

16. 5 However, when considering income inequality, it is the income distribution among individuals that has emerged as most useful.

17. among uses and resources in the secondary distribution of income account of the general government sector

18. 12 Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.

19. 19 It will be noted that this ignores altogether the important question of income distribution.

20. The distribution of the number of insurance undertakings and their respective premium income is very skew.

21. 20 Thus, the higher the Gini coefficient, the more unequal is the distribution of national income.

22. 4 However, the income distribution within the rural sector seems to have deteriorated.

23. 18 This can be assessed by linking class structure to income distribution figures.

24. The structure of taxes and transfer payments can have a significant impact upon the distribution of income.

25. 6 Dudley Baxter's statistics of income distribution in 1867 may help place the discussion in context.

26. 16 The proposed series of investigations will examine children's understanding of economic need, income distribution and unemployment.

27. 13 Both types of inequality are measured using the Gini coefficients for land and income distribution.

28. 25 Therefore, it is necessary to rectify, according to the requirements of reasonable personal income adjustment and the Central Government policies, the present income distribution, .

29. 8 The inequality of income distribution could be analyzed by authentic proof methods and the canonical methods.

30. It is similar to the corporate-accounting concept of current profit before distribution and taxes on income.

31. 3 What happens under perfect competition to the after-tax distribution of income may therefore be ambiguous.

32. 24 At present, the wide income disparity is the prominent manifestation of unharmonious relations in interests, the main reason being the income distribution system and policy.

33. 7 The region will adjust the structure of national income distribution, gradually increase the proportion of the incomes of resident, and increase the share of salaries in the primary distribution.

34. Comparative Advantage, Endogenetic Innovation, Economic Growth and Income Distribution Direction Should Chinese Economy Head in?

35. But this aggregate stability masks shifts in income distribution that have favored older age cohorts.

36. Trade discounts (also called functional discounts): These are payments to distribution channel members for performing some function .

37. 21 So yearly salary system and incentive stock option are the main forms of manager income distribution system.

38. Functional Autoradiography [35S]-GTPγS [35S]-GTPγS receptor binding is used to study the distribution and functional activation of neurotransmitter receptors (GPCRs) in tissue sections (rodent, non-human primate & human)

39. 14 Despite these potential distortions,( certain conclusions can be drawn about global income distribution.

40. 15 The table shows the composition of the bottom 10 percent of the income distribution according to type of family.

41. After a Finance Commission has been constituted , Presidential Order in regard to distribution of proceeds from income tax etc .

42. 2 The problem is more of income distribution than of a failing in the technical working of the credit market itself.

43. The normal functional anatomy of the superficial vessels, and the percentual topographic distribution of the main trunks and of the different anastomotic systems.

44. Individual Income Tax plays an indispensable role in state revenue collection, fair distribution, economic control etc.

45. Critics claimed that economic success had done little to alleviate fundamental problems of poverty and the grossly unequal distribution of income.

46. The age structure of the population and the condition of social protection systems have a major impact on national income distribution.

47. The age structure of the population and the condition of social protection systems have a major impact on national income distribution

48. These systems of the main factors are the income distribution system, agricultural price, financial revenue and expenditure , and consumer credit.

49. The Consumption function is a mathematical formula that represents the functional relationship between total Consumption and gross national income.

50. The effect of the changes in the patterns of taxation and public spending was to accentuate an underlying inequality in income distribution.

51. There is absolutely no question of understanding the income tax provisions in question as a withholding tax on the distribution of profits.

52. 11 These systems of the main factors are the income distribution system, agricultural price, financial revenue and expenditure , and consumer credit.

53. 27 For twenty - five years , IIT plays an important role in collecting government revenue and adjusting income distribution.

54. 17 The effect of the changes in the patterns of taxation and public spending was to accentuate an underlying inequality in income distribution.

55. To eliminate or reduce the impact of RMD income, Charitably inclined investors may want to consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD)

56. The social policy objectives include employment, housing and education policies, as well as a socio-politically motivated balancing of the distribution of income growth.

57. Binomial distribution synonyms, Binomial distribution pronunciation, Binomial distribution translation, English dictionary definition of Binomial distribution

58. 28 On the issue of the relationship of economic growth and income distribution, the "inverted-U hypothesis" of Simon Kuznets has been a remarkable focus.

59. 20 China's Ministry of Finance is considering levying a social security tax in an effort to narrow the wide gap in income distribution.

60. 23 This is a negative role in explaining the two types of Chinese education and the expansion of the non-linear relationship between income distribution.

61. There is a partially asymmetric distribution of the various lipids between Appressed and non-Appressed membranes (Gounaris et al., 1983) but the functional significance of this is …

62. The modern welfare state is interested not so much in relieving poverty as redistributing income to achieve a more egalitarian distribution.

63. In addition, the present invention relates to compositions for functional foods, functional beverages, functional cosmetics, and functional feed.

64. Chart Money income and after-tax income as a ratio of factor income.

65. Additionally, in terms of income, the GDI considers income-gaps in terms of actual earned income.

66. 10 The relationship between economic growth and income distribution has attracted much attention in academic circles in the past over half century.

67. Distribution Arresters MPS offers a variety of Distribution Arrester products

68. Therefore, the research structure for competitive economy should be that the real income distribution theory has to connect with actual capitalist economic relationships.

69. Under socialist market economy, value judgment and standard analysis on "Should or should not" for personal income distribution seem particularly important in making the choice of systems.

70. Amoroso distribution, a generalized variant of the generalized gamma distribution

71. Market income + government transfers – income taxes = After-tax income Market income comprises four categories:

72. Functional applications of ceiling Cornices

73. Functional material transfer device and functional material transfer system

74. Budgetable income consists of projected gross annual income, except for self-employment income, which uses net income (see Section 33.6.6 Self-Employment Earnings)

75. 22 Under socialist market economy, value judgment and standard analysis on "Should or should not" for personal income distribution seem particularly important in making the choice of systems.

76. It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States.

77. Black per capita income overall was 56 percent of white income.

78. Number, age distribution and geographical distribution of positive cases of BSE and scrapie.

79. Binomial Distribution is a Discrete Distribution

80. 29 It is a long and endless academic contention whether Kuznets Hypothesis can be verified that describes the relationship between economic growth and income distribution.