Use "frowning" in a sentence

1. Why are you frowning?

2. Why are you frowning at me?

3. And he was frowning.

4. Nancy shook her head, frowning.

5. " No, " said Mary frowning.

6. He contemplated his hands, still frowning.

7. Holly, are you still frowning?

8. Frowning detracts from her beauty.

9. She studied the letter, frowning thoughtfully.

10. He peered through the lens, frowning slightly.

11. What are you frowning at me for?

12. No, that wasn't quite true, she corrected herself, frowning.

13. What's wrong? Why are you frowning?

14. Stop frowning before you break your face.

15. He sat frowning over a crossword puzzle.

16. Frowning, by comparison, may have the opposite effect.

17. Why are you frowning at me? I've done nothing.

18. She was frowning slightly and holding a piece of paper.

19. He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily.

20. Are frowning and haughty tyrants to be preferred to generous Lords?

21. She stood up, frowning at the Creases in her silk dress

22. The black suited auctioneer was frowning, while whispering in her ear.

23. FRlAR The grey- ey'd morn smiles on the frowning night,

24. Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning.

25. She sat on the kitchen doorstep, knees wide apart, frowning.

26. He backed off, wiping his hands on the oily rag, frowning.

27. She opened the door and stood there,[ ] frowning at me.

28. Amble, Archwife, Chichevache, constant, dishonest, frowning, gaze, laureate, marquisess, mazedness, proem

29. 'I beg your pardon!'said the Mouse, frowning, but very politely:

30. The manager sat frowning behind his desk throughout the whole interview.

31. She stood up, frowning at the creases in her silk dress.

32. Tom set his jaw, frowning, listening, and concentrating doggedly on his own life.

33. He was frowning, had an abstracted look, as if he had a headache.

34. 12 "Sibling rivalry?" she asked, frowning at his use of psychological terms.

35. My companion remained oblivious to the sights, staring into space and frowning.

36. When I got back to the table, Carolyn was frowning at the check.

37. Older people look toward the smiling faces and away from the frowning, angry faces.

38. Bleak heights are carpeted in radiant colors; every crack and crevice of a frowning crag blossoms.

39. There are botulism injections available now to paralyse the frowning lines and the smiling ones too.

40. We've asked older and younger people to view faces in laboratory studies, some frowning, some smiling.

41. I took a hand mirror and examined this wrinkle from the side[ ], frowning to deepen it.

42. 17 Metempsychosis, he said , frowning. It's Greek: from the Greek. hat means the transmigration of souls.

43. 12 He pulled on a beret and stared down the empty road, then he checked his watch, frowning.

44. " We shall have thee there anon!'said the witch - lady, frowning, as she drew back her head. "

45. 25 The proprietor arrived with the beer just as Radclif, frowning puzzledly, sighed and tucked the paper back in its envelope.

46. I do wonder why Mr. Langhorn came here tonight, " she added somberly, glancing across the room toward him and frowning."

47. When she finishes with the calf she puts down the bottle and goes to the console, frowning at the text.

48. Alice looked up, and there stood the Queen in front of them, with her arms folded, frowning like a thunderstorm.

49. LOCKE Something seemed to puzzle him, for he was frowning, but by and by the old Cynical smile came back.

50. The mulatto maid called Mrs. Lovell Mingott into the hall, and the latter came back in a moment with a frowning brow.

51. All five Amnesiacs responded in the right way, frowning and crying at the sad clips while laughing and smiling at the happy ones

52. Creases are lines that are made in cloth or paper when it is crushed or folded. She stood up, frowning at the Creases in her silk dress

53. Your baby can hold his or her head erect , and the development of facial muscles allows for a variety of expressions , such as squinting and frowning .

54. ‘My friend talked Agitatedly about the new and more effective types of vaccine.’ ‘‘Fine,’ I sighed, defeated, and looked at him Agitatedly.’ ‘‘Yeah, you're right,’ Michael agreed, frowning Agitatedly.’ ‘Lisa's friend arrives, Stefan plays more Agitatedly.’

55. He felt it was a rough start for the series with unimpressive battles, overused gags, and a bad introduction for central character Ichigo that causes him to come across "as a frowning punk" whose one good trait is his desire to protect.