Use "frowned" in a sentence

1. She frowned with concentration.

2. Paula frowned, suddenly wary.

3. He frowned at her anxiously.

4. He frowned with mock severity.

5. 19 He frowned with mock severity.

6. Such behaviour is frowned upon.

7. Mattie frowned at him disapprovingly.

8. She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

9. Badmouthing on any level is frowned-upon

10. She frowned as she read the letter.

11. Other pesticides are legal, but frowned upon.

12. Smoking is frowned upon in many restaurants.

13. Shiona frowned at the phone in total bewilderment.

14. This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.

15. 16 She frowned as though deep in thought.

16. Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities.

17. Victorian propriety would have frowned upon such individual excesses.

18. She frowned portentously to add weight to her suggestion.

19. After a cursory glance at the report he frowned.

20. He frowned, casting his mind back over the conversation.

21. Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon.

22. In her family, any expression of feeling was frowned upon.

23. He frowned and in stentorian fashion summoned a doctor.

24. 10 Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.

25. He frowned and stamped his feet to portray anger.

26. He frowned as he tried to work out the sum.

27. None doubted his ability, but Hardaker frowned upon his frankness.

28. He frowned, and the handsome face clouded momentarily, petulant as a child's.

29. Furthermore, Conversate is a nonstandard form, and widely frowned upon in formal writing.

30. It encouraged marriage and children, and frowned on illegitimacy and women at work.

31. Unconsciously she frowned slightly, determination building up within her like a tangible force.

32. " And I had never seen, " he shouted; then suddenly bit his lip and frowned.

33. Lorton rinsed the lather from his skin and frowned at his clean-shaven face.

34. She dropped her clutch bag and George frowned as she strained to pick it up.

35. Hawkers (peddlers) were often frowned upon by the law, but book peddlers were treated differently.

36. These diets are now frowned upon by many medical experts because of their low fibre content.

37. Debauchery is not exactly frowned upon in the court of the pleasure-loving King Charles.

38. Sally's Conceitedness soared into the air and frowned down upon the faltering Gaga with something like scorn

39. Jason turned to the commotion and frowned, excusing himself from his talk with Mrs Beatermen to follow

40. 🔊 Because Helen managed her company like an Autocrat, she strongly frowned upon employee suggestions

41. He frowned, disconcerted by something, then, with a shock, recognised the clothes she was wearing.

42. 18 Tallis glanced towards the exit from the mortuary house, then frowned and looked around.

43. In a world that is Acceptant of so many things: why is prostitution still frowned upon? Anonymous

44. Now, that, my dear reader, is called Abridgement, and it is frowned upon in literary circles.

45. Working mothers are frowned upon, and their children are less likely to be accepted by elite schools.

46. Fold, ruck, line, tuck, ridge, groove, pucker, corrugation She frowned at the Creases in her silk dress

47. Sitting on the grass, Bogarting a joint, being an herb hog — those behaviors were all frowned upon.

48. And they wore silk socks that would have been frowned upon at the more establishment country clubs in the Hamptons.

49. He looked sidelong at her with a quick smile, and she frowned and nodded his attention quickly towards the stranger.

50. Many a western arbiter of taste frowned upon the above paintings when in the form of gilt-framed reproductions.

51. Some fencers just held the strut in position with six-inch nails but the company frowned on this practice.

52. Divorce in many communities was allowed, though frowned upon and usually had less to do with incompatibility than with infertility.

53. She frowned as she saw him take the pill and wash it down with a few gulps of water.

54. He frowned and turned away, staring into a tall clump of elephant grass by the side of the track.

55. Vincente frowned. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.

56. For years the headscarf was frowned upon and sometimes banned on the ground that it encouraged dissent among children of different religions.

57. The attic steps Creaked loudly every time Rayne stepped on one, and she frowned slightly as she clenched the banister tightly

58. Corpus-Based Systems For a long time the use of probabilistic information in linguistic systems has been frowned upon by the linguistic community.

59. Assaultable A License to ill (+2,-5) Violence, albeit frowned upon by the cozy masses, can sometimes be a vehicle for good ends

60. For most teenagers it's not so easy because it takes a time till you accept it, since it's so frowned upon in society.

61. Once congenial pairs of eyes now squinted and frowned at one another in passing. Someone in the company was a spy, a voyeur with sadistic tendencies.

62. Celibacy was opposed to marriage, and Celibacy, except as a religious vow, often was frowned upon as leading to (or being an excuse for) sexual indulgence and debauchery among bachelors

63. From whence grim tops all Bodefully, The bristling cannon frowned, No break that iron line, But death from left to right, And Meagher, with his Irish, lay Before St

64. His abbacy was unpopular with some monks because he introduced innovative practices aimed at making Sōtō more palatable with the Japanese laity, which some claimed Dōgen would have frowned upon.

65. Boyfriend is a relatively modern term, and in the past has had implications of an illicit relationship (as sexual and romantic relationships outside marriage were more commonly frowned upon)

66. (finance: excessive trading) (finanza) Churning nm sostantivo maschile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile: medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore : Churning is frowned upon at this firm.

67. In formal writing and where contractions are frowned upon, use Cannot. It is possible to write can not, but you generally find it only as part of some other construction, such as “not only but also.”

68. Embarrassment or Awkwardness is an emotional state that is associated with mild to severe levels of discomfort, and which is usually experienced when someone commits a socially unacceptable or frowned-upon act that is witnessed by or revealed to others.

69. 183?, Charles Dickens, Sketches by Boz Crossing a quiet and shady courtyard, paved with stone, and frowned upon by old red brick houses, on the doors of which were painted the names of sundry learned civilians, we paused before a small green-Baized, brass-headed-nailed door […]

70. ‘"What does she do when she gets Blitzed?"’ ‘"So we're all hanging out getting Blitzed as usual.’ ‘He'd gotten Blitzed at Tacky's Tavern and came home at bar time smelling like a brewery.’ ‘They frowned on His Devilishness because he was easy-going, slothful, frequently Blitzed out of his head, and interested only in pleasure.’

71. Backdooring in Smite Is it frowned upon in Smite or is considered a valid tactic particularly in leagues/competitive scenes? It's been a while since I've played another MOBA, but back when I was still an avid player of DotA 1 a long time ago and where I'm from, it's generally considered unsportsmanlike/against the rules to backdoor towers.

72. ‘"What does she do when she gets Blitzed?"’ ‘"So we're all hanging out getting Blitzed as usual.’ ‘He'd gotten Blitzed at Tacky's Tavern and came home at bar time smelling like a brewery.’ ‘They frowned on His Devilishness because he was easy-going, slothful, frequently Blitzed out of his head, and interested only in pleasure.’