Use "frontals" in a sentence

1. Affronte affront frontons frontals afront formants fronts affronted affrontee Affrontings

2. NAG ransomable catastrophic preinserted burds christian's burners cholo-chimes newsboat violle smithing caon frontals Bordrage Dioscurian day-mare slip travel-loving

3. Hair accessories, Desinger bonnets, Wigs, Virgin Hair , lace closures, frontals, water proof lace glue adhesive, wholesale and so much more! the Bluprint collection

4. To be found throughout the Anglican Communion, the Warham Guild's work - rich frontals, altars with riddels and dossals, apparelled vestments, flowing surplices, chasubles and tunicles, embroidered banners, rood screens and rood beams, carved and gilded altar crosses and candlesticks, Aumbries, fonts and lecterns, chalices and ciboria, censers