Use "front burner" in a sentence

1. 2 Now you are cooking on the front burner.

2. 6 Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.

3. It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.

4. 18 It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.

5. Official Spokesperson, Shri Vikas Swarup: As far as we are concerned, this issue is very much on the front burner.

6. One of my dream acquisitions, which has been on hold for a few years but now will come back on the front burner, is a 747.

7. Throughout that era it played a very important role in bringing the issue of apartheid to the front burner of world attention until apartheid was dismantled.

8. But we are satisfied reasonably with the fact that the reform process we kept on the front burner, and we would continue to do so in the session to come.