Use "from tiberias" in a sentence

1. (Also called Lake of Gennesaret and Sea of Tiberias)

2. Eventually, the main rabbinic center in Palestine moved to Tiberias.

3. It is situated 10 km south of kibbutz Deganya Aleph and 15 km south of Tiberias.

4. The most renowned system was perfected by the Masoretes in Tiberias, by the Sea of Galilee.

5. Synonyms for Arose from include came from, derived from, originated from, sprang from, sprung from, developed from, stemned from, resulted from, developed out of and followed from

6. Synonyms for Arising from include coming from, deriving from, originating from, springing from, developing from, stemning from, resulting from, Arising out of, developing out of and following from

7. Etymology: From Amplifyen, from amplifier, from amplificare, from amplus + facere.

8. From thoughts, reflectings; from reflectings, Considerings; from Considerings, rationalities, from rationalities, wills, from wills, words

9. Absolved; Absolved; Absolved from; Absolved from guilt; Absolved her from; Absolved him from; Absolved me from; Absolved one from; Absolved them from; Absolved us from; Absolved you from; Absolvedly; Absolvent; Absolventen im Web

10. Representing Creoleness. Perspectives from history, from orthography, from literature and from sociology.

11. In the field, some examples of major increases are: Brazil, from multiplier # to # entral African Republic, from # to # had, from # to # abon, from # to # ndia, from # to # ndonesia, from # to # enya, from # to # ali, from # to # epal, from # to # iger, from # to # akistan, from # to # and Thailand, from # to

12. [From Spanish Carbonada, from …

13. Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia.

14. From Middle English Caverne, from Old French Caverne, from Latin caverna, from cavus (“ hollow ”)

15. Apart from synonyms, Apart from pronunciation, Apart from translation, English dictionary definition of Apart from

16. In this context, the Commission received 12 projects emanating from ten national authorities (one from Belgium, two from Greece (Acropolis and Mount Athos), one from Spain, one from France, two from Ireland, one from Italy one from Finland, one from Sweden, one from the United Kingdom, and one from Norway).

17. Etymology: from Latin Bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos, 'rustic', from boukolos,

18. From Middle English Condigne, from Anglo French, from Latin condignus, from com- (completely) + dignus (worthy)

19. (C14: from Latin Apparens, from

20. Etymology: From Adumbrationem, from adumbrare.

21. [Middle English, from Old French Bourage, from Medieval Latin borāgō, probably from Arabic bū'araq, from 'abū

22. Compensation from noise from aerodromes

23. Word Origin mid 18th cent.: from Latin Administrativus, from administrat-‘managed’, from the verb administrare, from ad-‘to’ + ministrare ‘wait upon’, from minister ‘servant’, from minus ‘less’.

24. Borrowed from French Communal, from Late Latin commūnālis, from Latin commūnis

25. From Middle English, from Old French Contrarious, from Late Latin contrāriōsus.

26. [C15: from Old French Celerite, from Latin celeritās, from celer swift]

27. From Latin Consanguineus, from con- (with) + sanguineus (bloody), from sanguis (blood)

28. From Middle French Amour, from Old French amor, from Latin amor

29. From Bombarde +‎ -er, from Middle French Bombarde, ultimately from Latin bombus

30. [French chronique, from Latin Chronicus, from Greek khronikos, of time, from

31. Origin of Arbitral From French Arbitral, from Latin arbitrālis, from arbiter.

32. Affluence from Affluentia, “abundance” audience from audientia, “a hearing” benevolence from benevolentia, “good will” continence from continentia, “self-control” diligence from diligentia, “accuracy” Words from Latin nouns ending in -antia elegance from elegantia, “neatness” petulance from petulantia, “forward conduct”

33. From Old French Condigne, from Latin condignus, from con- +‎ dignus (“worthy”).

34. 9 letters words from 'Couchings' 8 letters words from 'Couchings' 7 letters words from 'Couchings' 6 letters words from 'Couchings' 5 letters words from 'Couchings' 4 letters words from 'Couchings' 3 letters words from 'Couchings' 2 letters words from 'Couchings'

35. 8 letters words from 'Amphoral' 7 letters words from 'Amphoral' 6 letters words from 'Amphoral' 5 letters words from 'Amphoral' 4 letters words from 'Amphoral' 3 letters words from 'Amphoral' 2 letters words from 'Amphoral' 8 letters words from 'Amphoral'

36. Etymology: From Bawde, baude, noun form of baud, from Old Low *, from balþaz, from bʰel-

37. From Latin Aposiopesis, from Greek Aposiopesis, from apo- (intensive prefix) + siopan (to be silent), from siope (silence)

38. From Middle English Burgeis, from Anglo-Norman Burgeis, of Proto-Germanic origin; either from Late Latin burgensis (from Latin *burgus), or from Frankish, both from Proto-Germanic *burgz (“ stronghold, city ”), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰerǵʰ-

39. 9 letters words from 'Burstones' 8 letters words from 'Burstones' 7 letters words from 'Burstones' 6 letters words from 'Burstones' 5 letters words from 'Burstones' 4 letters words from 'Burstones' 3 letters words from 'Burstones' 2 letters words from 'Burstones'

40. 8 letters words from 'Accidies' 7 letters words from 'Accidies' 6 letters words from 'Accidies' 5 letters words from 'Accidies' 4 letters words from 'Accidies' 3 letters words from 'Accidies' 2 letters words from 'Accidies' 8 letters words from 'Accidies'

41. 9 letters words from 'Bernicles' 8 letters words from 'Bernicles' 7 letters words from 'Bernicles' 6 letters words from 'Bernicles' 5 letters words from 'Bernicles' 4 letters words from 'Bernicles' 3 letters words from 'Bernicles' 2 letters words from 'Bernicles'

42. From Italian Arno, from Latin Arnus

43. From billing reports. From ergonomic keyboards.

44. 8 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 7 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 6 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 5 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 4 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 3 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 2 letters words from 'Cudgeled' 8 letters words from 'Cudgeled'

45. Late Middle English from Latin Absorbere, from ab- ‘from’ + sorbere ‘suck in’.

46. From Middle English Behoof, behof, from Old English behōf, from Proto-Germanic *bihōfą, from *bihafaną (“to get, receive”)

47. 11 letters words from 'Arrogations' 10 letters words from 'Arrogations' 9 letters words from 'Arrogations' 8 letters words from 'Arrogations' 7 letters words from 'Arrogations' 6 letters words from 'Arrogations' 5 letters words from 'Arrogations'

48. 7 letters words from 'Boodled' 6 letters words from 'Boodled' 5 letters words from 'Boodled' 4 letters words from 'Boodled' 3 letters words from 'Boodled' 2 letters words from 'Boodled' 7 letters words from 'Boodled'

49. 7 letters words from 'Boodled' 6 letters words from 'Boodled' 5 letters words from 'Boodled' 4 letters words from 'Boodled' 3 letters words from 'Boodled' 2 letters words from 'Boodled' 7 letters words from 'Boodled'

50. 7 letters words from 'Apologs' 6 letters words from 'Apologs' 5 letters words from 'Apologs' 4 letters words from 'Apologs' 3 letters words from 'Apologs' 2 letters words from 'Apologs' 7 letters words from 'Apologs'

51. 7 letters words from 'Branles' 6 letters words from 'Branles' 5 letters words from 'Branles' 4 letters words from 'Branles' 3 letters words from 'Branles' 2 letters words from 'Branles' 7 letters words from 'Branles'

52. 7 letters words from 'Boskage' 5 letters words from 'Boskage' 4 letters words from 'Boskage' 3 letters words from 'Boskage' 2 letters words from 'Boskage' 7 letters words from 'Boskage'

53. 6 letters words from 'Accust' 5 letters words from 'Accust' 4 letters words from 'Accust' 3 letters words from 'Accust' 2 letters words from 'Accust' 6 letters words from 'Accust'

54. [Middle English baptizen, from Old French Baptiser, from Late Latin baptīzāre, from

55. [C16: from Old French Apposer, from poser to put, from Latin pōnere]

56. [Middle English Baptizen, from Old French baptiser, from Late Latin baptīzāre, from

57. From Middle English ambitious, from Old French *ambitieus, from Latin Ambitiosus, from ambitio; see ambition.Compare with French ambitieux.

58. Begga is 34 degrees from Samuel Clemens, 40 degrees from François-Marie Arouet, 57 degrees from Mary Cross, 34 degrees from Eric Blair, 46 degrees from Maya Angelou, 34 degrees from Charles Dodgson, 41 degrees from Amy de Leeuw, 36 degrees from Mary Murfree, 55 degrees from Hans Bötticher, 39 degrees from Ethel Robertson, 36 degrees from

59. The word comes from the French Acrostiche from post-classical Latin Acrostichis, from Koine Greek ἀκροστιχίς, from Ancient

60. From Middle French Bourg, from Old French borc, burc, a borrowing from Frankish *burg, ultimately from Proto-Germanic *burgz, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *bʰerǵʰ-

61. Mid 16th century from French Accoutrer, from Old French acoustrer, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to, at’) + cousture ‘sewing’.

62. Origin of Contrariety From Middle French contrariété, from Late Latin contrarietas, from contrarius, from contra (“against”).

63. From Middle English auncyen, borrowed from Old French Ancien (“ old ”), from Vulgar Latin root *anteanus, from Latin ante (“ before ”)

64. From Old (and modern) French Condigne, from Latin condignus, from con-+ dignus ‘worthy’

65. From Middle English Attempren, from Old French atemprer (French attremper), from Latin attemperare

66. Old English, from Latin Adventus ‘arrival’, from advenire, from ad- ‘to’ + venire ‘come’.

67. [French Corsaire, from Old Provençal corsari, from Old Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursārius, from cursus, plunder, from Latin, run, course; see course.]

68. From Italian Castrato, from Latin castrō (“ to castrate ”), likely from caedō (“ to cut ”)

69. From Middle English contempnen, from Old French Contemner, from Latin Contemnere (“to scorn”)

70. Party Apparatchiks; Word Origin 1940s: from Russian, from apparat, from German, literally ‘apparatus’

71. I have always flushed easily, from physical exertion, from wine, from high emotion.

72. Starts from me , starts from mine family, from my siegfried, the schoolmate starts.

73. Early 18th century from German Klavier, from French Clavier, from medieval Latin claviarius ‘key bearer’, from Latin clavis ‘key’.

74. Origin Mid 16th century from French anathématiser, from Latin anathematizare, from Greek Anathematizein, from anathema (see anathema).

75. From French Canaille (villain, rabble), from Italian canaglia (pack of dogs, rabble), from cane (dog), from Latin canis (dog)

76. ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from French anathématiser, from Latin anathematizare, from Greek Anathematizein, from anathema (see anathema ).

77. Early 17th century from Latin Abduct- ‘led away’, from the verb abducere, from ab- ‘away, from’ + ducere ‘to lead’.

78. Dyes come from plants or from chemicals.

79. Far from eye far from heart. 

80. Late 17th century from Latin Abradere, from ab- ‘away, from’ + radere ‘to scrape’.