Use "from the air" in a sentence

1. Stealth, sir, from the air show.

2. A filter traps dust from the air.

3. It removes carbon dioxide from the air.

4. That was a draft from the air conditioner.

5. Your grandfather surveyed the kingdom from the air.

6. Viewed from the air, the water looked crystal clear.

7. An ice-filled glass precipitates moisture from the air.

8. Alighting: to come to rest after descending from the air

9. Alighted: to come to rest after descending from the air

10. Remove the pipe plug from the air gun connection fitting

11. Alights: to come to rest after descending from the air

12. Similarly, many bacteria, called “aerobes,” use oxygen from the air.

13. That's why we couldn't see the rail line from the air.

14. At that very moment , the dragonfly almost fell from the air .

15. Connect the airline from the air compressor to the power tool.

16. Creating aerial images (photography), in particular recording photographs from the air

17. Halifax Citadel Halifax Citadel seen from the air (Corel Professional Photos).

18. Some take nitrogen from the air and change it into nitrogen compounds.

19. It takes a power plant to capture CO2 directly from the air.

20. A crop-duster was arrested as he dropped leaflets from the air.

21. Plants Absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.

22. When operating, an air conditioner usually removes excess moisture from the air.

23. Strontium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to form strontium carbonate.

24. From the air the coastal plain resembled a region devastated by war.

25. In a Combustion reaction, a substance reacts with oxygen from the air

26. Then, the end pieces (3) are severed from the air channel (1).

27. He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.

28. Unit for pumping air containing particles and separating the particles from the air

29. They absorb oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide as well as water.

30. There was continuous bombardment from the air by enemy planes and on the ground .

31. Autoxidation is one reason for ageing processes of organic compounds by oxygen from the air

32. Air purifiers actually remove odours and particles from the air through a series of filters.

33. Seen from the air at night, tiny villages Bespeckle the Indian landscape with firefly glows.

34. The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.

35. Seen from the air at night, tiny villages Bespeckle the Indian landscape with firefly glows.

36. diffusion from the air into the concrete, and against the resulting damage to the concrete.

37. Inspection type - number of inspections carried out at sea, from the air and in port

38. The “intake valves” actually suck in carbon dioxide from the air for the photosynthesis reaction.

39. Autoxidation is one reason for ageing processes of organic compounds by oxygen from the air

40. All that was visible from the air was flotsam spread over a 50-yard area.

41. - Excessive Nitrogen and phosphorus from land based activity and from the air that may cause eutrophication;

42. We were also accused of planting corn in code that could be read from the air!

43. The symmetry of the rice paddies and rubber plantations could only be appreciated from the air.

44. During manufacturing, the mycelial mass is sealed away from the air exchange portal by the clamp.

45. [16] Mr. Rankin states that the response he received from the Air Canada Ombudsman was unacceptable.

46. I don't know why Chief McKenna got sick from the air down there, and you didn't.

47. A large part of the population fled their homes and sought shelter from the air raids.

48. An Airfoil is a surface designed to obtain lift from the air through which it moves

49. Particulate phase Barium is expected to be physically removed from the air by wet and dry deposition

50. Use in order to create an inert atmosphere and to handle the product shielded from the air

51. This expansion takes energy from the air, resulting in temperature reduction, a process known as adiabatic cooling.

52. An oxygen Concentrator pulls oxygen from the air around you, helping you get the oxygen you need

53. Filter through filter paper and seal the clear solution to prevent absorption of CO2 from the air.

54. A team from the air accident investigation unit is still trying to Ascertainthe cause of the crash

55. The massive expansion of American military presence in Vietnam opened a new era of war from the air.

56. Air Cleaning usually involves the filtration of particles from the air as it passes through the ventilation equipment.

57. Air Cleaning primarily involves the filtration of particulates from the air as it passes through the HVAC equipment.

58. "Seen from the air at night, tiny villages Bespeckle the Indian landscape with firefly glows." Wiktionary

59. Heat pumps using ambient heat from the air often require the use of significant amounts of conventional energy.

60. A cyclonic separator separates the seal liquid from the air-volatile liquid vapor mixture produced during bed regeneration.

61. Aeromagnetic surveys are conducted from the air using a magnetometer to measure the magnetic strength of rocks below.

62. The gondola that contains the payload has been spotted from the air and is believed to be undamaged.

63. 80 44 Comparison of theoretical Barograms computed from the air- cell model with Barograms recorded after the Russsian nuclear

64. Urine reflects ultraviolet light. And to a kestrel searching for food, these trails are perfectly visible from the air.

65. Wafting across the flat expanse, these winds meet no lofty mountain ranges to coax the moisture from the air.

66. Refrigerated vaccines should always be stored far enough away from the air venting from the freezer compartment to avoid freezing.

67. A Concentrator uses a complex set of processes to remove nitrogen from the air to create a purer oxygen stream

68. Two opposing shuttle valves (14, 16) selectively open ports (20) to release compressed air more quickly from the air gun.

69. Since their cells must absorb water directly from the air or the ground, nearly all Bryophytes grow in moist places

70. The aerodynamic lift is generated by air turbulences formed on the leading edges and resulting from the air flow disturbances.

71. Seen from the air, they give you the imagination of airstrips because they start abruptly, end abruptly; sometimes they cross.

72. In March 1502, Arthur and Catherine were afflicted by an unknown illness, "a malign vapour which proceeded from the air."

73. This compound is rarely encountered because it is difficult to prepare and readily reacts with water moisture from the air.

74. Says Niklas: “Most of the cones we studied filtered their ‘own’ pollen from the air but not that of other species.”

75. The fuel cells store hydrogen and use oxygen from the air to generate electricity directly through a hydrogen/oxygen electrochemical reaction.

76. The microwaves agitate water molecules in the food to increase the efficiency of heat transfer into the food from the air curtain.

77. Invisible particles from the air around are bumping on you by the billions and billions at each second, all in complete chaos.

78. Most Benzene exposure comes from the air from a number of sources, including forest fires, auto exhaust and gasoline from fueling stations

79. Exposure to airborne allergens is likely to be greatest on windy days and least after rain has washed them from the air.

80. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells are essentially batteries that produce electricity often using stored hydrogen fuel and oxygen from the air.