Use "frogfishes" in a sentence

1. The frogfishes (or Anglerfishes) are fascinating animals

2. Florent's Guide To The Tropical Reefs Fish, Corals and Creatures - Toadfishes - Batfishes - Frogfishes - Flying Gurnards - Lionfishes - Scorpionfishes - Stonefishes - Waspfishes

3. Florent's Guide To The South Florida Reefs Fish, Corals and Creatures - Dragonets - Jawfishes - Lizardfishes - Tilefishes - Hawkfishes - Lefteye Flounders - Sand Flounders - Batfishes - Frogfishes - Flying Gurnards - Lionfishes - Scorpionfishes - Seahorses - Pipefishes

4. Related FAQs: Anglerfishes, Anglers 2, Angler ID, Angler Behavior, Angler Compatibility, Angler Selection, Angler Systems, Angler Feeding, Angler Disease, Angler Reproduction, Related Articles: Fishes with A Lure by Bob Fenner Batfishes, family Ogcocephalidae, Indonesian Angler/Frogfishes, /The Conscientious Marine Aquarist