Use "frightful" in a sentence

1. 20 It was absolutely frightful!

2. 6 The smell was frightful.

3. War is a frightful calamity.

4. Attingence Cooking truly is frightful

5. Giving up everything is frightful.

6. 7 War is a frightful calamity.

7. 13 They're making a frightful noise.

8. 2 There's been a frightful accident.

9. 14 We're having frightful weather these days.

10. 9 Her hair was a frightful mess.

11. 15 This room's in a frightful mess.

12. The battle resulted in a frightful slaughter.

13. 26 They also look frightful by the fireside.

14. Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,

15. Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.

16. 12 The battle resulted in a frightful slaughter.

17. Javert, though frightful , had nothing ignoble about him.

18. This is a frightful cautionary tale, well told.

19. He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

20. 10 They had the most frightful set-to.

21. 11 He got himself into a frightful muddle.

22. They left the house in a frightful mess.

23. 14 He got himself into a frightful muddle.

24. 21 Did you see our frightful party political broadcast?

25. Afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling

26. 5 He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

27. 23 This is a frightful cautionary tale, well told.

28. 8 Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.

29. 1 He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.

30. 24 Oh, Little Kai, it was frightful, and horrid.

31. 17 Of course the cleaning is a frightful bore.

32. 4 How frightful to have a husband who snores!

33. 3 They left the house in a frightful mess.

34. Frightful and fear-inspiring it is.” —Habakkuk 1:5-7.

35. 16 My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.

36. 26 My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.

37. 22 It was a frightful antipersonnel weapon at close range.

38. The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.

39. The Chaldean horde is “frightful and fear-inspiring,” terrible and dreadful.

40. 19 The cats set up a frightful yowling when the dog appeared.

41. Atrocious (comparative more Atrocious, superlative most Atrocious) Frightful , evil , cruel , or monstrous

42. 30 He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.

43. The spectators startled, as he turned upon her with a frightful suddenness.

44. My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.

45. Blanche thought she was frightful but listened to her breathless monologues with stoic patience.

46. Provoking horror Synonyms: frightful, horrible, horrifying, ugly Examples - a frightful crime of decapitation - an alarming, even horrifying, picture - an Atrocious automobile accident - an ugly wound - war is beyond all words horrible; exceptionally bad or displeasing

47. Once more, the two spectators started, as he turned upon her with a frightful suddenness.

48. Frightful – A hospital Amputates a baby’s hand after she had been admitted for diarrhoea

49. Her tangled hair clung to her face, which was twisted into a frightful expression.

50. 27 Blanche thought she was frightful but listened to her breathless monologues with stoic patience.

51. His breathing was frightful and the unrelenting ache in his legs grew harsher with every stride.

52. Your own heart will comment in low tones on a frightful thing: ‘Where is the secretary?

53. 18 The situation is frightful,( but it's just piling on the agony to keep discussing it.

54. 25 There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

55. Had Alfred Glynn murdered his brother then killed himself in this frightful manner by way of expiation?

56. All kinds of fundamentalism translated into frightful actions loaded with violence and recalling the horror of the Holocaust.

57. Our batteries were dashing across the plain with frightful vehemence, wheeling into position and firing with terrific rapidity.

58. He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.

59. However, “a great fiery-colored dragon” is a fitting description of Satan’s ravenous, frightful, powerful, and destructive spirit.

60. She talked about her boyfriends in a tone of most frightful, spine-chilling, whimsy determination, and they took it.

61. Atheistic philosophy, materialism, crises in the churches, and the frightful increase in violence all tend to undermine true faith.

62. In “Beauty and the Beast,” Belle becomes a captive to a frightful-looking beast in order to save her father.

63. 5 In defiance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, powerful rulers have built arsenals of frightful weapons —but in vain!

64. Why did she churn so Agitatedly in my stomach? Quite possibly I was the only one who found her frightful

65. 5 He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.

66. Then one day he heard the birds making a frightful racket and this huge magpie flew out of the tree.

67. Why did she churn so agitatedly in my stomach? Quite possibly I was the only one who found her frightful.

68. 29 It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak,but spoke with a frightful emphasis.

69. The hazards are frightful and at the current accident rate a diver has only one chance in five of surviving for 20 years.

70. 6 They gazed in bovine surprise at the scarlet-faced visitor,( and for one frightful moment Breeze felt that she must flee.

71. Up to 7% cash back  · An eerie Animated prop can authentically recreate that frightful skin crawling feeling with sudden motion or startling animation

72. Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.

73. The “Dies Irae” foretells the second coming of Christ as the frightful “day of wrath and doom impending … when the Judge his seat attaineth and each hidden deed Arraigneth, nothing

74. Anilla: You cannot be serious! Do you mean to tell me that another frightful Crystal War once more threatens our fair home? Matildie: There is no need to be so dramatic, Anilla

75. Beastliness should have been a delicate subject for censure from Pope. When I think of the Beastliness, the frightful horrors in store for me! They are eminent in nothing, save as samples of Beastliness

76. Awfulness: 1 n a quality of extreme unpleasantness Synonyms: dreadfulness , horridness , terribleness Types: frightfulness the quality of being frightful ghastliness , grimness , gruesomeness , luridness the quality of being ghastly Type of: unpleasantness the quality of giving displeasure

77. ‘The Bad temper of earlier was gone and his eyes were shining with anticipation.’ ‘She carefully spoke to the horse calming it's raging temper.’ ‘I said and got up, stalking off to my room in a frightful temper.’

78. It "Animalizes" man and turns him into a "demon." Furthermore, whoever allows himself to be dominated by this vice becomes a plaything of the demons, who terrorize such a bold person through frightful nocturnal visions

79. The most frightful monsters of all—the realized Basenesses of their own natures! Monsters concrete and yet impalpable! Monsters with illimitable physical powers to rend and destroy but with no true physicality to be rent or destroyed themselves!" — Diary of C.X

80. The Aruspices (priests who inspected the entrails of birds, etc., to draw omens of the gods’ will or temper from their appearance), being consulted, answered that the public ceremonies had been neglected, the holy places profaned, and frightful calamities decreed in consequence