Use "friendly fire" in a sentence

1. This way friendly fire was not possible.

2. 22 Wednesday he re-introduced Kevin Pollak, injured and disfigured by friendly fire in the Gulf War.

3. Twenty-three soldiers and four policemen were killed during the uprising, including 13 soldiers killed in the friendly-fire incident between troops in Songam-dong.

4. In a case of mistaken identity on 17 March motor torpedo boat PT-283 was sunk by friendly fire from destroyer Guest (DD-472), in the Solomons, near Choseul Island.

5. Eleven Americans were killed in two separate friendly fire incidents, an additional 14 US airmen were killed when their AC-130 gunship was shot down by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile, and two US soldiers were captured during the battle.

6. Lee, while General Longstreet was recovering from a wound from friendly fire, which damaged his nerves and control of his entire right arm and the ability to write, General Lee encouraged his “Old War Horse,” to practice his “Chirography” as he wrote to him.

7. “This superb book by Barrett Tillman details the Wildcat aces, Begriming with the early pre-war development of the F-4F and the inauspicious start -- Begriming with the loss of six Wildcats flying to Ford Island on the evening of December 7, 1941, two were shot down by friendly fire in the aftermath of the surprise attack on the harbor.” ―