Use "friedrich merkel" in a sentence

1. Merkel Backs 'short, uniform lockdown' across Germany

2. Germany COVID: Angela Merkel Backtracks on Easter lockdown after uproar

3. Friedrich Otto Giesel independently discovered Actinium in 1902

4. Dr. Friedrich would like to adjourn for now.

5. Theological Audacities (9781498254489) by Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt

6. Chancellor Merkel has been an ardent advocate of our strategic partnership.

7. Merkel was accompanied by a high-level delegation of corporate CEOs.

8. In 2013, a grand coalition was established in a Third Merkel cabinet.

9. Every past is worth condemning. Friedrich Nietzsche 

10. Mme Merkel Affirme vouloir un protocole social.: Mrs Merkel says she would like a social protocol.: Voici ce qu' Affirme ailleurs le député de Markham-Unionville

11. Successor to Angela Merkel also says she won’t run for Chancellorship of Germany

12. Merkel cell Carcinomas may metastasize to the brain, bones, liver or lungs

13. Merkel, Germany is now speaking of an interim solution for the UN Security Council permanent seats.

14. Mr Oettinger, a well-schooled disciple of Mrs Merkel, is now also opposed to nuclear power.

15. Mrs Merkel is only the second German chancellor to address Congress since Konrad Adenauer in 19

16. 10"Magicam Sathanae Adjurationem" (Beck, Johann Friedrich, 91)

17. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels attached much importance to agricultural natural disasters.

18. All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. Friedrich Nietzsche 

19. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had never advocated the democratic centndism.

20. In 1837, Grand Duke Paul Friedrich returned Schwerin to its capital status.

21. Newly enriched, Friedrich decided to discover the secret of cast (crucible) steel.

22. The victorious Ms Merkel need fear no putsch, but that may make political renewal harder.

23. 20 But theproblem is that Ms Merkel has been delivering similarly vapid speeches aroundthe whole country.

24. In early 1914, Friedrich der Grosse participated in additional ship and unit training.

25. Friedrich Schur studied differential geometry, transformation groups (Lie groups) after Sophus Lie.

26. Marx’s theories also mirrored the views of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

27. In 1782 the premier of Die Räuber, written by Friedrich Schiller, was shown.

28. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche 

29. On 11 August 1919 President Friedrich Ebert signed the democratic Weimar Constitution.

30. Construction of Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm cost the German navy 11.23 million marks.

31. The Kaiserin Friedrich is a variety of rose noisetee created in 1889 by Drögeüller.

32. Explore 78 Abyss Quotes by authors including Friedrich Nietzsche, Honore de Balzac, and H

33. 3 That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche 

34. In May 1857, Friedrich Wilhelm Argelander discovered high proper motion of the star.

35. The Kaiser Friedrich III-class ships were armored with steel produced by Krupp.

36. Mrs Merkel 's centre-right Christian Democrats met their partners on Sunday after the ethics panel had delivered its conclusions .

37. Fighting the Corona pandemic was the biggest part of her work, Angela Merkel said at the Bundestag this morning.

38. Friedrich Nietzsche believed that human life is fundamentally divided into the 'Apollonian' and the 'Dionysian'

39. Count Friedrich of Bavaria... is one of the richest aristocrats in Europe, by all accounts.

40. Friedrich Paneth, a Viennese chemist and keen amateur photographer, was particularly successful with the process.

41. Angela Merkel: A Chancellorship Forged in Crisis is the definitive new biography of the world’s most powerful woman

42. In voters' eyes Mrs Merkel outshone her previous government, a "grand coalition" with the Social Democratic Party (SPD).

43. And British officials now feel that, following her re-election as German chancellor, Merkel can afford to enthuse about a president Blair.

44. What in the name of all the Saints has your Friedrich done to you?

45. Friedrich Schlichtegroll was a teacher and a scholar who published Mozart's obituary in 1793.

46. A week later on the 18th, Scheer hoisted his flag aboard Friedrich der Grosse.

47. In 1942 Professor Friedrich Paneth was recruiting young chemists for the nuclear energy project.

48. Selected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Vol. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 19

49. At the Berlin Bundestag, Angela Merkel explained and defended the prolongation of the lockdown and her entire Corona policy

50. In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God Arithmetizes"

51. In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God Arithmetizes".

52. Johann Friedrich Gmelin published several textbooks in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceutical science, mineralogy, and botany.

53. By the mid-18th-century, Friedrich Jodocus Krupp, Arndt's great-great-grandson, headed the Krupp family.

54. Maximilian Carl-Friedrich Nitze and Joseph Leiter developed the first true working Cystoscope in 1878.

55. Merkel cell Carcinomas may be more common in areas of the skin exposed to the sun, such as the face or scalp

56. Gaussian Curvature is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, who published the Theorema egregium in 1827.

57. Caspar David Friedrich (September 5, 1774 - May 7, 1840) Caspar David Friedrich (September 5, 1774 - May 7, 1840) was a landscape painter of the nineteenth-century German Romantic movement, of which he is now considered the most important painter

58. The Athenaeum was a literary magazine established in 1798 by August Wilhelm and Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

59. Austrian economists like Friedrich Hayek fully recognized the benefits of decentralization in adapting to changing market processes

60. This almost-unthinkable result is a big blow to Angela Merkel, the chancellor and CDU leader, who has lost the party’s crown jewel.

61. Kaiser Friedrich III was disarmed and used as a floating prison stationed in Kiel after 1916.

62. Communism was first put forth by the German philosopher, Karl Max, and his associate, Friedrich Engels

63. 1861, Friedrich Max Müller, Lectures on the Science of Language Allegorical being […] that kind …

64. Friedrich Engels, close comrade - in - arms of Karl Marx, great leader the world proletariat, was born at Barmen.

65. Bismarck was educated at Johann Ernst Plamann's elementary school, and the Friedrich-Wilhelm and Graues Kloster secondary schools.

66. Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. So it was with Friedrich Engels.

67. (19) The second measure planned for 2002 is the amalgamation of the "Friedrich Heinrich/Rheinland" and "Niederberg" mines.

68. That which is done out of love is always beyond good and evil. Friedrich Nietzsche 

69. The second cause is, Friedrich Nietzsche, along about 1885, wrote a book titled " The Birth of Tragedy. "

70. In June, he was appointed Wing Commander of Jagdgeschwader 3 (JG 3) following the death of Friedrich-Karl Müller.

71. Unfortunately, Friedrich proved too idiotic for his own good, and quickly ran the formerly profitable forge into the ground.

72. Francis Bacon and Distutt de Tracy and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel contributed a lot to the development of ideology.

73. Hofmeister, Wilhelm friedrich benedict ( 1824 - 77 ) German botanist who first demonstrated the alternation of generations in lower plants.

74. Chancellor Merkel and Shri Kamal Nath, Commerce & Industry Minister, will address the first meeting of the CEO's Round Table to be held in Mumbai.

75. His father, Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, was a poor Lutheran pastor in Breselenz who fought in the Napoleonic Wars.

76. Modern communism was founded in the 19th century by two German political thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

77. While the overall package was largely scripted in Berlin, Merkel delivered one major concession, Abjuring losses for private investors in sovereign debt crises

78. TAurine was discovered by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin in 1827 who first extracted it from ox bile

79. David Friedrich Strauss (1835) originated the vision hypothesis as part of the Tübingen School rejection of the New Testament records.

80. 2 days ago · German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke on Monday about the quickly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban seized control