Use "friday the 13th" in a sentence

1. This kind of Assumptive thinking is what leads to a person getting their head punched off by Jason in “Friday the 13th: Jason Takes

2. inAuspiciously, unpropitiously - in an inauspicious manner; "he started his new job inAuspiciously on Friday the 13th" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

3. About Careful skateboards & Apparel Founded Friday the 13th of March 2020, in this forever fast pace changing world, we have become pleased with our craft

4. 12 This is a book in which a doppelganger of the old "Friday the 13th" villain Jason Vorhees, he of the hockey mask, appears again and again, like a totem, achieving a weirdly peaceful mythos by the end.