Use "frees" in a sentence

1. Death frees us from ills.

2. The mask frees us of inhibitions.

3. 10 Death frees us from ills.

4. With The Beatles, Paul Frees, Lance Percival

5. BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy

6. Frees up workers to take on other roles.

7. Alibis: an explanation that frees one from fault or blame.

8. Her only trip abroad was to Andorra for duty-frees!

9. And also you want something that frees your eyes.

10. This often frees the husband to make additional appointments.

11. It frees us from the constraints of our imagination.

12. The shipyard closing frees up 1,100 acres of federal land.

13. It is Abominable, and it frees us from the promises we made

14. Early debt redemption frees up more resources for these efforts

15. Knowledge of God’s Word, however, frees one from this false idea.

16. Breatharianism is a practice where an individual frees themselves from food

17. But that which frees - the mystery - is concealed and always Concealing …

18. When your computer is getting full, BleachBit quickly frees disk space

19. Velocity is important. Kinetic energy frees the brain and confuses the enemy.

20. Beth Moore Frees Herself to Fully Apostatize 2 weeks ago Staff Writer

21. We do not pretend that Christianity frees us from Afflictions in this world

22. What is the only Scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?

23. 13 Velocity is important. Kinetic energy frees the brain and confuses the enemy.

24. It is treated with acid, which dissolves the zinc and thus frees the gold.

25. 21 By inventing a myth,( the epic poet frees himself from the group.

26. Along the way, Rhombus is captured, and the Initiate frees him after killing Blake.

27. Synonyms for Acquits include clears, absolves, exculpates, exonerates, frees, delivers, discharges, liberates, releases and vindicates

28. Synonyms for Absolves include clears, acquits, exonerates, frees, vindicates, discharges, exculpates, liberates, releases and delivers

29. So when we developed Glass, we thought really about, can we make something that frees your hands?

30. He frees himself and as a passerby encounters him, Bizarro simply kills the man with heat vision

31. It is absolutely essential that the Commission frees up funding for the extra costs of this port.

32. Mariko escapes from Harada, who believes he is acting in Mariko's interests and frees Logan from the machine.

33. The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self of the claims that shackle the spirit.

34. The Raincode Cobol Compiler facilitates new development in C# and frees you from the financial burden of Cobol licensing costs

35. With a range of subtle, easy-to-wear Beiges, CHANEL's Healthy Glow Foundation frees women from their fears

36. Clockwise is the smart calendar extension that frees up your time so you can focus on what matters

37. Amniotes rely on lungs, and this also frees up skin for becoming thicker and with more elaborate structures

38. Clockwise is a smart calendar assistant that frees up your time so you can focus on what matters

39. Clipboard frees up hours each week by streamlining processes, allowing you to focus on improving the student experience

40. Clockwise is an intelligent calendar assistant that frees up your time so you can work on what matters

41. An absolute discharge frees the NCR accused and bring an end to involvement in the criminal justice system.

42. This frees up your time so you can focus on the more strategic efforts of your marketing campaigns.

43. And no gift fills a greater need than the one sacrifice that frees us from sin and death.

44. The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.

45. For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.

46. Batman chases the Joker to the Sionis Steel Mill, where he frees Black Mask and defeats the poisonous assassin Copperhead.

47. Comedy breaks down walls. It frees us for just a moment from the ugliness of this world. Goldie Hawn 

48. After the Civil War frees him, Booker is forced to work long hours in a salt furnace to help his family survive

49. Albho- is a human being in meditation who progressively frees itself from the body of the animal by finding harmony and peace

50. Asphyxia appears when Alex Shepherd finds Margaret strapped to a chair in the Otherworld Overlook Penitentiary.Alex quickly frees her and shows her Nora's

51. Cleaning up Brownfield properties not only eliminates the threat to residents and neighborhoods from hazardous substances, it frees this abandoned or underutilized land for productive reuse

52. - First, the withdrawal of Delta from the self-handling business frees sufficient space to allow the admission of at least one independent handler.

53. A waterfall hanger solution that allows you to store just as many items in your closet, but frees up a Bucketload of rod space

54. (Matthew 20:28; Acts 24:15; Romans 6:23) Bible truth frees people from the frustrations of relying on political promises that consistently fall short.

55. In Peace, written in 421 BC, a middle-aged Athenian frees the embodiment of peace from a cave, where she’d been exiled by profiteering politicians.

56. (For remission of punishment due to sin, see CENSURE, EXCOMMUNICATION, INDULGENCE.) Absolution proper is that act of the priest whereby, in the Sacrament of Penance, he frees man from sin

57. PCMA Hub Canceller Maximize the capacity of your network with a satellite signal Canceller that reduces satellite space segment costs and frees up bandwidth for new applications

58. When countering malaria, Artemisinin exploits the parasite’s taste for hemoglobin in its host’s blood. As the parasite digests hemoglobin, it frees the iron-porphyrin heme complex from the protein

59. Why, from the time that Cyrus frees the Jews from captivity to the time that a faithful remnant are back in their homeland is merely a matter of months!

60. The Invitrogen Bandmate Automated Western Blot Processor is a programmable blot rocking system that frees up time by automating the tedious hands-on blocking, washing, and antibody incubation steps of western blot processing.

61. Arguen, a healer, is accused of witchcraft by the Laird's wife Marianne. Arguen gets thrown into the dungeon for two months until her brother Douglas frees her to escape to see his friend Laird Blake

62. But when the individual frees himself from the limits imposed by finiteness through the realisation of the Absolute , he breaks through the vicious circles of karma and sansar and attains moksha ( salvation ) .

63. "BigCommerce is a reliable platform; since launching, we haven't had to do much maintenance, which frees up time to make improvements to our online store." Kabeer Chopra Co-Founder and CPO, Burrow

64. Reporting on a meeting of 500 priests in Fátima, the paper says: “According to the prelate, it is necessary that the priest frees himself from an endless number of activities so that he can reestablish exclusively his position as ‘herald.’ . . .

65. His portrayal of Cleone is more consistent with the historical sources (Cleone is simply Adulator, whereas in Mauro's libretto Cleone's sycophancy is motivated by his love of Rossane); and with his addition of the scene in which Alessandro frees Rossane, Rolli evokes …

66. From high-rise buildings to garden-style Apartments, Amazon Hub Apartment Locker is a comprehensive package pickup solution (for Amazon and non-Amazon packages) that frees up your building staff from daily package management and allow residents 24/7 access to their packages.