Use "freedom of expression" in a sentence

1. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of expression.

2. ISSUE Freedom of expression and of press.

3. Freedom of expression is a basic human right.

4. Americans see freedom of expression as their birthright.

5. Reverse laws and policies that trample freedom of expression.

6. The new law might abridge our freedom of expression.

7. Freedom of expression (art. 13) and child’s access to

8. The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression.

9. In other words, to protect their basic human right to freedom of expression.

10. Guarantee freedom of expression and opinion, especially for journalists, writers and editors (Chile);

11. To ensure this , freedom of expression and freedom of the press are essential . "

12. Rights addressed in the activity (e.g. the right to life or freedom of expression).

13. We adhere to the principles of equal rights and freedom of expression for all.

14. Although freedom of expression is guaranteed via the constitution in India, it is not absolute.

15. Now the right to freedom of expression is absolute, and it requires that “every person” has:

16. Nonetheless, freedom of expression was not an absolute; it merited full protection but should have limitations

17. Soon after, in 1908, the Unlawful Associations Act, was enacted to further stifle freedom of expression.

18. Freedom of expression and the freedom of the press have returned after many years of absence.

19. Note for the reader The present text "Public access to and freedom of expression in networked information:

20. Where I come from, freedom of expression is an unalienable right, which means tolerating pretty much everything.

21. We cannot accept a government engaging in Internet piracy and denying Internet users their freedom of expression.

22. The right to freedom of expression was not absolute; it could be regulated pursuant to article 19 (3).

23. Velkas (Lithuania) said that Lithuania respected freedom of expression, but the right to that freedom was not absolute.

24. Freedom of expression had been integral to Indian civilization and to the ever ongoing synthesis amongst its various traditions.

25. The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.

26. Journalists rallied to the Ortizes, publishing a full-page ad decrying the firings as a blow to freedom of expression.

27. In January 2000, the Government passed a bill that grants foreign media operations "absolute freedom of expression" in the country.

28. So if you have a treaty professing to require the recognition of freedom of expression, and the legislature Abridges this by,

29. In Bulgaria, as in Egypt, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly were viewed as criminal activities instigated by foreign elements.

30. ACRI president Sami Michael said that "Israeli society is reaching new heights of racism that damages freedom of expression and privacy".

31. He also reminded the court that such auctions were permitted by the United States constitution in the name of freedom of expression.

32. Bangladesh is witnessing democratic backsliding over its electoral system, attempts at stifling political opposition, and threats to freedom of expression, Riaz said

33. Introducing Backbone, a modular, customizable, and expandable rack and rail system that is all about combining utility, quality and freedom of expression

34. Whatever the criticisms I may have of current law, this Executive Order is an Authoritarian attack against freedom of expression & accountability

35. Some have suggested that Brushwork looks like a cross between Roman and Japanese characters but most agree it evokes total freedom of expression.

36. This agreement confirms our shared commitment to the core principles of liberty, transparency, freedom of expression and the rule of law in cyberspace.

37. Subsequently, in July 2016, during its 32nd session, the same group adopted by consensus a further resolution on freedom of expression on the internet.

38. A founding member of the Club for Free Journalists, Phan Thanh Hai’s writings aim to promote government transparency, freedom of expression, and freedom of association.

39. Man Beheads Teacher on the Street in France and Is Killed by Police The victim was immediately depicted as a martyr to freedom of expression

40. Stephen Fry - the festival’s president – has joined more than 40 public figures and organisations Castigating its government for “promoting a platform for freedom of expression, while

41. China continues to spread the worst features of its authoritarian system, including restrictions on activists, civil society, freedom of expression, and the use of arbitrary surveillance.

42. Indeed, the advent of democracy, with greater freedom of expression and the diluting of central control over cultural matters, had intensified moves away from freedom of religion.

43. In 2019, Angola made some progress in respecting the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, allowing several protests and marches to take place across the country

44. whereas Ibrahim Halawa is being detained for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of expression and assembly and is considered by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience; whereas freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are indispensable pillars of any democratic and pluralist society; whereas Article 73 of the Egyptian Constitution stipulates that citizens shall have the right to organise public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all forms of peaceful protest;

45. 2 days ago · As Bangladeshi Bloggers try to evade attacks by extremist groups and avoid provoking the wrath of their government, the space for freedom of expression has shrunk

46. Yet the fact is that over-Cautiousness about possible infringements of fundamental freedoms - particularly freedom of expression and freedom of religion - actually erodes the resources we need in order to fight terrorism.

47. Expresses its deepest concern at the deteriorating climate regarding the right to freedom of expression which has accompanied the rise of religious fundamentalism, intolerance and extremist violence in Bangladesh; calls on the Bangladesh authorities to strengthen their efforts to improve the protection provided to activists and journalists by the authorities; calls on all political parties and their leaders to unequivocally and unreservedly condemn the extremist violence and to support the right to freedom of expression;

48. A conventional mechanism for protecting and promoting freedom of expression and information and freedom of the media following the broad lines set out above would fully embrace (and complete) the proposal made by the MCS-IC.

49. The two countries will work together as governments, and with industry, civil society, academics and the technical community, to ensure that the internet enables freedom of expression, innovation, collaboration and inclusion in their societies and around the world.

50. You should seek to move our nations towards modernity – modern nations with freedom of expression, freedom of faith, gender equality - academic, social, political and economic equity. Your duty will be to eliminate the poverty that has riddled the region.

51. ‘The recording is Bookended nicely by tracks of contrasting character.’ ‘But even with full freedom of expression, you were still forced to remove the documentary footage that Bookended the film.’ ‘The excised footage is Bookended by black-and-white versions of …

52. ‘The recording is Bookended nicely by tracks of contrasting character.’ ‘But even with full freedom of expression, you were still forced to remove the documentary footage that Bookended the film.’ ‘The excised footage is Bookended by black-and-white versions of …

53. Not only have the movie directors and the country's film community angrily protested against the decision, but net users also have reacted quickly, calling it a crime against the freedom of expression and even started actively boycotting the cinema chain.

54. Adhere to something From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Adhere to something phrasal verb formal to continue to behave according to a particular rule , agreement , or belief We Adhere to the principles of equal rights and freedom of expression for all.

55. With more than 70 radio stations, 60 or so newspapers and magazines and around 15 TV channels, Benin’s media landscape is one of the most pluralist in the region and its journalists enjoy a significant degree of freedom of expression

56. (24) Regarding other operators, the PPC shall, when exercising its powers of investigation and enforcement, not preclude them from exercising their right to freedom of expression, freedom of academia, freedom of religion, and freedom of political activity (Article 43(1) of the APPI).

57. For years, UN human rights monitors have criticized Obiang's government for repressing the political opposition, allowing arbitrary detention and rampant torture by the police, systematically violating the right to freedom of expression and presiding over a systemic abrogation of economic and social rights.

58. What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents.

59. Abridge: 1 v lessen, diminish, or curtail “the new law might Abridge our freedom of expression” Type of: curb , curtail , cut back , restrict place restrictions on v reduce in scope while retaining essential elements Synonyms: abbreviate , contract , cut , foreshorten , reduce , shorten cut , edit , edit out cut and assemble the components of

60. Curtailing Freedom of Expression is not the Way to Combat Hateful Speech Home Note: The following comments were submitted by the United States to the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) on August 20, 2012 for consideration in connection with the CERD Committee’s August 28 thematic discussion on racist hate speech.

61. Human rights issues "have been the most Acrimonious area" among member states, and the United States is looking for possibilities to work with key states and organizations "to have a more positive conversation on freedom of expression, to which many different countries from many different parts of the globe could support.

62. Under Law Number 1/PNPS/1965 on the Prevention of “Religious Abuse and/or Defamation”, commonly known in Indonesia as the blasphemy law (Undang-Undang Penodaan Agama) people may be imprisoned for “defamation” for as long as five years simply because they have peacefully exercised their right to freedom of expression or to freedom of thought, conscience or religion, which are protected under international human rights law.

63. While the independent Council of Europe institution of Commissioner for Human Rights offers certain possibilities, the Commissioner’s very broad mandate (to promote the awareness of and respect for human rights in the 46 Council of Europe member states) will make it had to examine freedom of expression and information and freedom of the media issues in detail and with the professional acumen that would be required to advice member states on concrete measures required to remedy any shortfalls identified.

64. Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honorable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light, evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts! Mehmet Murat ildan 

65. Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honorable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light,[sentencedict .com] evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts! Mehmet Murat ildan 

66. Welcomes the setting-up of the Sakharov Network, as announced on the 20th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize; believes that it should quickly decide on its operating arrangements and put in place the resources necessary to achieve its objectives; reiterates its demand that all winners of the Sakharov Prize and, in particular, Aung San Suu Kyi, Oswaldo José Payá Sardiñas, the Cuban collective Damas de Blanco and Hu Jia be given access to the European institutions; deplores the absence of any significant response to the EU's calls made to the Chinese, Burmese and Cuban authorities to respect fundamental freedoms, especially freedom of expression and political association;