Use "fratercula" in a sentence

1. The Alcids present in 1984 were three Atlantic Fratercula arctica, 12 horned F

2. And has a black neck collar is the Auantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica

3. Subordo: Alcae Familia: Alcidae Genera: Aethia – Alca – Alle – Brachyramphus – Cepphus – Cerorhinca – Fratercula – Ptychoramphus – Synthliboramphus – Uria

4. Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) with a Beakful of fish on Flatey island, northern Iceland

5. An Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica, with a Beakful of Sandeels, standing on the edge of a cliff

6. Farne Islands, north-east England An Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica, with a Beakful of Sandeels, standing on the edge of a cliff on Staple Island off Northumbria, England, with out of focus nesting Kittiwakes in the background Animal Stock Photo

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