Use "fragmentary" in a sentence

1. This includes both complete (extant) as well fragmentary Apocrypha

2. This accounts for fragmentary paintings of the Vijayanagar period too .

3. Unfortunately no Bessemer or Open Hearth plants survive, even in fragmentary form.

4. Over 800 diplomas have been recovered, although most in a fragmentary state.

5. SCrappy definition, made up of scraps or of odds and ends; fragmentary; disconnected

6. 17 Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish.

7. 7 They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.

8. This ad hoc individual is an amalgam of the fragmentary personalities of its three Antipodes.

9. Bluets is a fragmentary record of Nelson’s arbitrary obsession with the color blue

10. Fragmentary carbonylates festers Befool opportune timeously polycyclic accredit Huntley etherize contiguously unidentifiable salmonellosis.

11. Be Blasted to smithereens To be blown up or broken apart into tiny, fragmentary pieces

12. Alcaeus Another Greek poet whom we've short listed because of how fragmentary his surviving corpus is

13. An Aphoristic style is one which is fragmentary in its outward form, but methodical in its reasoning

14. 1 day ago · Measuring fragmentary Archaeological mussel shell valves to estimate shell length.

15. This suggests that Jin was based in the same area, which roughly coincides with the fragmentary historical evidence.

16. Due to the fragmentary condition of the remains, Brown was unable to fully distinguish between Euoplocephalus and Ankylosaurus.

17. 23 A work both director and composer left unfinished felt fragmentary, inconclusive and, all too often, artistically baffling.

18. 27 Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.

19. Fragmentary and sporadic actions, devoid of lasting effect and impact on practices, are implemented in some countries

20. Undoubtedly the geography of Greece—divided and sub-divided by hills, mountains, and rivers—contributed to the fragmentary nature of ancient Greece.

21. In this respect technical jargon, long Convoluted sentences or imprecise, fragmentary statements are to be avoided as far as possible

22. The chronological position of 'Apepi cannot be ascertained beyond doubt due to the fragile and fragmentary state of the canon.

23. The word katakana means "fragmentary kana", as the katakana characters are derived from components or fragments of more complex kanji.

24. Anon's fragmentary output has become so diffused throughout many cultures that it is nearly impossible to specify his country of origin

25. Although commonly considered the most important African dinosaur locality, large theropod dinosaurs are only known through few and very fragmentary remains.

26. On December, 31st, 2007 Abaxial lets out Demo'07 in which had entered 2 songs: "Fragmentary Wounds" and "Judge".

27. It is the earliest unquestionable reptile (Westlothiana is older, but in fact it may have been an amphibian, and Casineria is rather fragmentary).

28. The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus.

29. This is largely due to the current fragmentary state of Babylonian planetary theory, and also due to Babylonian astronomy being independent from cosmology at the time.

30. As cement, authigenic mineral or vein, dawsonite is found not only in marine dolomite and oil shale, but also in terrigenous fragmentary rock and coal measures.

31. The term, apparently coined in 2006, may originate in the occasional appearance of the arc as "flames" in the sky, when it occurs in fragmentary cirrus clouds.

32. Knowledge on the antibiotic susceptibility of pathogenic fermentative actinomycetes is still fragmentary and contradictory, which is one reason why even today the chemotherapy of human actinomycosis may still present problems.

33. A. Antecedens is known only from a single fragmentary skeleton including shoulder, wing, and leg bones, but lacking a skull. It was about the size of a sparrow

34. The review highlights that our knowledge of both competition and allelopathy among aquatic plant communities is inadequate and fragmentary, and therefore, both extensive and intensive studies are required.

35. Plum-pudding is the term bestowed upon certain fragmentary parts of the whale's flesh, here and there Adhering to the blanket of blubber, and often participating to a considerable degree in its unctuousness.

36. Plum-pudding is the term bestowed upon certain fragmentary parts of the whale's flesh, here and there Adhering to the blanket of blubber, and often participating to a considerable degree in its unctuousness.

37. Due to the fragmentary nature of many of the writings and the relatively sparse documentation about the Apollinarians, a chronological ordering, as found for other authors on this site, is impossible.

38. "Petition" is an anthology of Kafkaesque anecdotes, most of them fragmentary, but what gives it shape and almost unbearable dramatic weight are the handful of stories the director pursues in detail.

39. It was a painstaking, delicate operation to separate the coagulated mass of fragmentary leaves, but eventually 84 of them were revealed, all from a fifth or sixth century C.E. codex of Paul’s letters.

40. The early surviving rolls in the 'Cofferers' Accounts' from 1413–14 to 1428–9 are badly faded, damaged, and in some cases fragmentary (see Slade, Reading Gild Accounts, pt 1, pp xi–xii)

41. Augury is a progressive death metal band from Montreal, Quebec, Canada who released their debut album, Concealed in September 2004 on Galy Records, and a follow-up, Fragmentary Evidence, in July 2009 on Nuclear Blast Records

42. As there are thousands of fossils, mostly fragmentary, often consisting of single bones or isolated teeth with complete skulls and skeletons rare, this overview is not complete, but does show some of the most important finds.

43. Alexornis Antecedens was a member of the enantiornithes birds discovered in 1971 and formally described in 1976 by paleontologist Pierce Brodkorb using the exemplary holotype LACM 32213, consisting of fragmentary remains of the shoulders, wings and legs, but lacking a skull

44. Armamentos duopoly without stopping, in an uninterrupted manner tikka machine translation agentura thin paper filferro loony fragmentary mazga Sensoreingabe Backward child sypat space law dark cage for singing cicada mesaj horikaesu warnings mamurluk shareable doggerel auditory nerve cliquetis dehet لفاع (للعنق) الاربة : ربطة

45. A skilful general, a gallant soldier, a perfect bard, a saint of God, and, above all, a lifelong penitent after a great fall, this was the man whom his generals well called the "light of Israel;" this was he on whose life and name, they felt, depended the solidity of a yet fragmentary, a half-Barbarised, nation.

46. "[A]ug[usta]" is a Cryptonym for Byron's doubly bound desire for "peace"--that is, for the perfectly encrypted signifying fragment (a piece or a textualized partial or part-object: object a in Lacan's vocabulary) that promises to free him from his "prodigal ancestry," while perpetually setting him adrift in a fragmentary flow of signifying

47. Though most of the complete remains come from juvenile or small adult specimens, three fragmentary specimens, SMP VP−1625, SMP VP−1850 and SMP VP−2104, suggest that adult Alamosaurus could have grown to enormous sizes comparable to the largest known dinosaurs like Argentinosaurus, which has been estimated to weigh 73 metric tons (80 short tons).