Use "four-leaf clover" in a sentence

1. 🍀 Four Leaf Clover Emoji Meaning

2. A four-leaf Clover, a symbol of good luck

3. Four Leaf Clover was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in …

4. You're more likely to get struck by lightning picking a four-leaf clover.

5. 7 It has a long creeping rhizome from which leaves similar to a four-leaf clover develop in two rows.

6. A sleeve tattoo on his left arm that reads "luck is for losers" and features numerous good luck symbols, including a rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover and a horseshoe.

7. Art is centered in a range of Ary D’PO collections, such as the Black Jewel Collection, which is inspired by the Palace of Versailles, and the Four Leaf Clover Collection, inspired by the Ca’ d’Oro of Venice.

8. Finding a horseshoe or a four-leaf clover means good luck; a crow that sits on a house signals death; dropping a dishcloth on the floor means company is coming; if two people accidentally hit their tools against one another’s while working, they will work together again the following year, and the list goes on.