Use "fossiliferous" in a sentence

1. In the Upper Aptian, the reef-forming Urgonian facies became established in both sub-basins—fossiliferous limestones composed of algae, coralline polyps, and rudists.

2. Basalts and alkali-feldspar rhyolites, associated in some places with ignimbrites, occur in volcanic bodies that are interlayered with pyroclastic and fossiliferous Upper Cretaceus sedimentary rocks.

3. Botryoidal agate or quartz crystals and drusy quartz fingers, indigenous to Florida.” Much of Florida’s natural foundation is composed of soft, highly-fossiliferous limestones intermixed with sand and clay

4. Only on the islet Yiali which consists exclusively of acid lavas (pumice stones, rhyolite, perlite) fossiliferous layers of marly limestone, sandstone and konglomerate are found, as much at the sea level as in the top of the layers of pumice stone, of tyrrhenian age.