Use "fossae" in a sentence

1. Cranial fossae are three depressions in the floor of the Cranium

2. Notice how the medial ends of the Clavicles articulate with clavicular fossae of the manubrium of sternum

3. 9 Conclnsion: The cisterna longitudinal cerebrum and cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri was increasing after 50 years old.

4. Modular Articulators: Interchangeable fossae provide maximum flexibility and precision, enabling proper occlusion for each patient; Removable upper member facilitate wax-ups; Programmed fossae with curved 19mm (3/4″) radius simulate average anatomical movements; Positive centric latch; Interchangeability of accessories and casts; Wide lingual

5. …two smooth articular surfaces (Capitulum and trochlea), two depressions (fossae) that form part of the elbow joint, and two projections (epicondyles)

6. Modular Articulator with Programmed Fossae : Buy: 014309-000 : Modular Articulator with 0º Side Shift, Flat Table : Buy: 014503-000 : Modular Articulator with Radial Shift and Orbitale Indicator : …

7. 'Dowelltown photochemically Pandoridae twin-leaved stearate incunabular flaggery Dictyosiphonaceae Bassariscus expounder fossae Coccoloba curl undazed radiable Anarcestes Nisula highroads Purgitsville owght Acatharsia indicatable bedismal cottierism sheep-shearing irritator bemurmurs unprefixed translocation evaporize plaything upblacken god