Use "forward-looking" in a sentence

1. • Stay active, positive, forward looking.

2. Basenet uses a forward-looking

3. Discussions throughout were constructive, positive, forward looking.

4. Thus, love can be positive, optimistic and forward looking.

5. Coherent assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements

6. The "American Way of Life" is humanitarian, "forward-looking", optimistic.

7. The atmosphere throughout was very positive, very constructive, very forward looking.

8. Bottomline does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements

9. The Meeting was held in a positive, constructive and forward looking atmosphere.

10. 19 Like Paul, we want to have a positive, forward-looking attitude.

11. He called upon people to work towards creating a modern, active, vibrant, forward-looking Banaras.

12. I agree with you about the value of these tools for a forward-looking policy.

13. Without a doubt, the Tiger color group forward looking strategic shift is enterprises transition usanexciting apotheosis.

14. It is against this background that we have held very positive and forward-looking discussions today.

15. Love will make us optimistic, positive, forward looking; it will make us hope for the best.

16. In March # a forward looking crawling peg regime was introduced with a gradually decreasing rate of devaluation

17. The talks between our Prime Minister and President Moon were very positive, very constructive and forward looking.

18. As guides for action, they are thus a point of reference for common, mandatory, forward-looking ideals.

19. At a highly-respected institute for the advancement of human potential where many a forward-looking CEO go.

20. In March 1995 a forward looking crawling peg regime was introduced with a gradually decreasing rate of devaluation.

21. Monetary policy should endeavour to counteract inflationary and deflationary risks alike in a symmetric, proactive and forward-looking manner

22. 13, a municipal issuer’s approach to forward-looking statements may be informed by the judicially created “Bespeaks caution” doctrine

23. I think the interaction that we have had today has been very constructive, very positive, and very forward looking.

24. The “Bespeaks caution” doctrine is the precursor to the safe harbor for forward-looking statements established under the Reform Act

25. - positive and forward-looking activities to encourage the adaptation of technologies, including new technologies, to the needs of disabled people,

26. The “Bespeaks caution” doctrine is the precursor to the safe harbor for forward-looking statements established under the Reform Act

27. Nevertheless, a forward-looking, pro-active policy can address many of the problem areas and influence them in a positive manner.

28. The system consists of Ground Penetrating Radar, a Minimum Metal Detector, Forward Looking Infrared Radar, and a Thermal Neutron Activation Detector.

29. The system will incorporate Ground Penetrating Radar, a Minimum Metal Detector, Forward Looking Infrared Radar, and a Thermal Neutron Activation Detector.

30. I look forward to building a forward looking vision for our partnership with the new Administration in the United States under President Trump.

31. Built upon proven open source technology, Bridgetown is a fast, scalable, modular, and thoroughly forward-looking framework for building websites and frontend applications.

32. Bespeaks-caution doctrine—even while statements or omissions as to the operations in place (and present intentions as to future operations) are not.”8 The Second Circuit also noted that while a statement can have forward looking elements and non-forward looking elements, they are “severable.”9 To further guide the District Court, the Second

33. Allogene assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date of …

34. HU-25C Guardian Drug interdiction version for the US Coast Guard, equipped with a Westinghouse APG-66 search radar and WF-360 Forward looking infrared turret.

35. They provide ground control intercept to red air, helping them locate the enemy since red air's airborne radars have only a forward-looking field of vision.

36. In order for an organization to recover, actions taken by the organization throughout the recovery process must be forward-looking and address the faults the organization faced.

37. Allogene assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date of this press release.

38. Forward-looking public transport planning as part of municipal services of general interest must also take into account land acquisition policies e.g. for public transport routes and stations.

39. The Bespeaks caution doctrine generally protects an issuer or affiliate from liability based on forward-looking statements if the statements are tempered by the inclusion of cautionary language.

40. We seek dynamic, forward looking individual, who is confident of creating success, to join us in this starting point of our full fledge involvement in the China market.

41. Forward-looking public transport planning as part of municipal services of general interest must also take into account land acquisition policies e.g. for public transport routes and stations

42. Instead of modernists , I propose mainstream secularists as the forward looking Muslims who uniquely can wrench their co - religionists out of their current slough of despair and radicalism .

43. As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.

44. 16 As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.

45. Welcome to Bari If Lecce is the south’s Florence, Bari is its Bologna, a historic but forward-looking town with a high percentage of young people and migrants lending it vigour.

46. Avidity cautions readers not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, and we undertake no obligation to update such statements to

47. The two countries have resolved to strengthen this partnership over the next decade through concrete initiatives in diverse areas and to make the bilateral institutional dialogue architecture more result-oriented and forward-looking.


49. Bespeaks Caution Doctrine A judicially created doctrine that protects issuers of securities and those acting on their behalf from securities fraud claims based on forward-looking statements, if those statements contain adequate cautionary language.

50. Furthermore, Swiss Life assumes no responsibility to publicly update or alter its forward-looking statements or to adapt them, whether as a result of new information, future events or developments or any other reason.

51. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company.

52. Atomize Founder Tells All: Paddling a Kayak from Norway to Finland, Automating Revenue Management and Going 'All In' on Life 1 year ago Recent press releases Atomize Becomes First RMS to Ingest OTA Insight’s Revolutionary New Forward-Looking Data Sets 3 months ago

53. ‘The defendants Avowed intention was to disrupt the airfield.’ ‘The Italian Pontecorvo, an Avowed communist, had wanted to make a tract against colonialism.’ ‘He is, at once, a forward looking evolutionist, and an Avowed eugenicist.’ ‘She firmly believes in her father's Avowed words.’

54. ‘The defendants Avowed intention was to disrupt the airfield.’ ‘The Italian Pontecorvo, an Avowed communist, had wanted to make a tract against colonialism.’ ‘He is, at once, a forward looking evolutionist, and an Avowed eugenicist.’ ‘She firmly believes in her father's Avowed words.’

55. It was also agreed to hold the next round of civil aviation talks at an early date, to examine various proposals on the table, including the increase of the capacity entitlements for the air carriers of the two countries, in a constructive and forward-looking spirit.

56. If you recall during the visit of President Hu Jintao last year, in the Joint Declaration, it was clearly stated that both countries feel that international civilian nuclear cooperation should be advanced through innovative and forward looking approaches, while safeguarding the effectiveness of international non-proliferation principles.

57. Featured many of the same systems as the Alpha Jet 2, it also was to be equipped with twin cockpit multifunction displays (MFDs) and potential carriage of AGAVE or Anemone radar, a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imager, a laser targeting system and a modern countermeasures suite.

58. At the sixty-seventh session of the Assembly, UN-Women actively engaged in preparations for the first-ever high-level meeting on the rule of law, hosted by the Assembly to discuss and agree on a forward-looking agenda on strengthening the rule of law at the national and international levels.

59. Afric-Energy is a multi-faceted forward-looking Oil and Gas firm, providing advisory, consultancy, trading and capacity building services; leveraging innovation, technology, networks and a vast breath of industry experience – to create viable solutions for customers across the oil and gas value chain (upstream, midstream & downstream) in Africa.

60. Recommendation 17: The Council calls on Member States to formulate a genuine forward-looking policy on mutual assistance, which could include a policy to facilitate visits abroad by police and judicial authorities concerning mutual assistance, and accordingly to provide the administrative departments and judicial authorities responsible for these matters with the premises, means and resources they need.

61. The AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod contains a high-resolution, forward looking infrared sensor (which displays an infrared image of the target to the pilot), a laser designator/rangefinder for precise delivery of laser-guided munitions, a missile boresight correlator for automatic lock-on of the AGM-65 Maverick imaging infrared missiles, and software for automatic target tracking.

62. Besprinkler; dampen; dapple; dot; dust; dust off; fleck; freckle; mottle; pepper; powder; sparge; References in classic literature? He started up, left Blifil to his fate, and flew to Sophia, whom, while all the rest were running against each other, backward and forward, looking for water in the dry paths, he caught up in his arms, and then ran