Use "formalities" in a sentence

1. Let's dispense with formalities!

2. Only formalities remain.

3. Can we dispense with the formalities?

4. We'll have to observe the formalities.

5. drop the formalities: call me Mike.

6. 14 We'll have to observe the formalities.

7. Let's dispense with the formalities , shall we?

8. Could I begin with a few formalities?

9. This isn't a defence for hollow formalities.

10. I think we can dispense with the formalities .

11. After these heavy formalities came the public acclaim.

12. The border post formalities are quickly completed.

13. Let's skip the formalities and get down to business.

14. It takes a few minutes to complete the formalities.

15. (a) Formalities prior to temporary exportation of the goods

16. Border formalities with Croatia are relaxed at peak times.

17. The funeral formalities were performed with almost indecent haste .

18. You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.

19. 2 Let's skip the formalities and get down to business.

20. Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.

21. Member States shall accept FAL forms for the fulfilment of reporting formalities.

22. They escorted us through the city, helping us with the final formalities.

23. It only took a few minutes to complete the legal formalities.

24. Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate.

25. advanced planning is required to arrange vaccinations, visas, requests and other formalities.

26. However, they are more onerous than the simple formalities involved in undertaking partnership.

27. Services pertaining to legal matters including consultancy, advocacy, litigation and handling of legal formalities

28. Legal formalities required that reports outlining the case accompany prisoners to superior judicial authorities.

29. One was for streamlining visa applications and visa formalities for airline staff of both countries.

30. The traffic department of the public security organ shall handle the relevant formalities after verification.

31. There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.

32. There are a few formalities to settle before you have a business of your own.

33. Synonyms for Civilities include formalities, protocol, procedures, rules, proprieties, regulations, bureaucracy, code, conventionalities and conventions

34. The second Italian argument : the expression "inspections and formalities" does not cover actual clearance operations

35. Synonyms for Convenances include propriety, decorum, etiquette, protocol, ceremony, civilities, conventionalities, decency, form and formalities

36. Synonyms for Austerities include formalities, gravities, seriousnesses, sternnesses, coldnesses, hardnesses, harshnesses, inflexibilities, solemnities and stiffnesses

37. standardization: development of standards whose purpose is to align formalities, procedures, documents, information, and operations.

38. It becomes increasingly fixated on rituals and formalities, and ever more fearful of ultimate results.


40. Provide support services to a manufacturer regarding local advertising, local sales presentations, customs clearance formalities, legal requirements.

41. Cumulation; Tolerance or de minimis; Duty drawback; Direct transport or non-manipulation rules; Product requirements; Procedures and formalities

42. Quite often, a son or daughter will be responsible for the formalities and requirements that follow a death.

43. Expense of formation Neither a sole trader nor a partnership is inhibited by legal formalities when commencing trading.

44. As soon as the formalities had been got over, the consulate was quick to issue the work permit.

45. Andersson, capped 15 times, should be eligible in the New Year after work permit formalities have been sorted out.

46. Students were those to teach, chat with over tea and coffee, but never to withdraw the formalities in company with.

47. They are a unilateral declaration by the man that he need not trouble about the formalities expected between non-intimates.


49. While the formalities are being dealt with, relatives should be given every comfort and assistance if they seek it.

50. Your relatives, friends, social worker and/or solicitor will do all they can to help you understand and complete the formalities.

51. In Guangdong, Hu earned a reputation for being low-key, action-oriented leader who is not fond of bureaucracy or formalities.

52. For the making of a will compliance with the following formalities is now necessary: The will must be in writing.

53. The statutes of these political organizations have been considered micro-constitutions because they accustom participants to the formalities of democratic decision making.

54. After the outbreak of World War II the Reichswerke abandoned peacetime formalities and simply took over all "German" assets it found attractive.

55. Therefore, in PCC's view, any execution of those enforcement titles could have been carried out by AAAS without any additional formalities.

56. For friends such as Hussa and Maha who had spent a lifetime with the family such formalities scarcely mattered any more.

57. (b) the formalities that have still not been completed by Government for obtaining information on the Indian account holders in Swiss Banks; and

58. We have agreed that India will complete the formalities and join the global action programme to facilitate easy entry of Indians into the US.

59. CTM application refused The application was not accepted during the examination phase. The refusal could have been based on formalities, classification or absolute grounds.

60. He understood the powers of the presidency to be broad, centrally controlled, jealously guarded, and always preserved, even in the formalities of personal comportment.

61. His identity certificate must be produced when handling the formalities and the futures company concerned shall check and verify his real identity by crosscheck .

62. An Attestation is a declaration by a witness that an instrument has been executed in his or her presence according to the formalities required by law

63. The Oxford Dictionary defined summary as "compendious, brief, dispensing with needless details, done without dispatch or without formalities required by common law", "brief account, abridgement, epitome".

64. Afforested Sentence Examples Land once Afforested became subject to a peculiar system of laws, which, as well as the formalities required to constitute a valid afforestment, have been carefully …

65. Too hungry to stand on formalities, I began to xertz (eat quickly) to the point where I absolutely Bibbled (ate and drank noisily), but it was nothing compared to …

66. (Judges 14:10) However, slavish conformity to social formalities can clutter a wedding, eclipsing the real meaning of the celebration and robbing everyone of the joyfulness that should be felt.

67. 3. Agents, advisers and lawyers shall be entitled to the privileges, immunities and facilities specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, provided they observe beforehand the formalities set out in Article 31.

68. TIR Carnet, to simplify administrative formalities of transiting commercial goods carried by international road transport It can also mean a legal authorisation to provide services in other contexts, such as the Carnet of the IFMGA.

69. Shōnagon advocates pure language and rigorous use of formalities in the sections of advice on conversation, but also offers vignettes showing witty repartee and sociable give-and-take among the empress's ladies and between ladies and gentlemen.


71. It is clear to the Committee that, in order for maritime transport to be an attractive alternative to other forms of transport, efforts need to be made to reduce customs formalities and red tape, without however jeopardising safety or security.

72. An amendment to a will is called a "Codicil." Writing a Codicil does not require the help of a lawyer in any part of the United States, but a Codicil must be written with the same formalities as a will

73. loans, including government bonds, raised by the issue of debentures or other negotiable securities, by whomsoever issued, or any formalities relating thereto, or the creation, issue, admission to quotation on a stock exchange, making available on the market or dealing in such debentures or other negotiable securities

74. ‘The Allottees will be asked to complete the required formalities before the possession letter is issued.’ ‘This meant that Allottees, eager to build their dream homes, couldn't do so.’ ‘The lock-in period will help the genuine and needy Allottees to have a site and build house.’

75. In mainland Europe, a Commissionaire is an attendant, messenger or subordinate employed in hotels, whose chief duty is to attend at railway stations, secure customers, take charge of their luggage, carry out the necessary formalities with respect to it and have it sent on to the hotel

76. The DPR says it will, very soon, invite KEL/Salvic Consortium, Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Ltd (APDNL) and Addax Petroleum Exploration Nigeria Ltd (APENL), which it describes as “the previous operators of the assets” and the NNPC -the concessionaire, to a meeting to begin preliminary handover formalities accordingly.

77. But it is also the item that presents most risks and potential bother after the purchase – taxes, administrative formalities, additional costs, adaptation to the standards, guarantee (same term and with the same clauses?), aftersales service, servicing, the way the vehicle is received by the local network, difficulties in selling, etc.

78. Ceremonious Consisting of or relating to outward forms and rites; conformable to prescribed ceremony.; Ceremonious Full of ceremony or formality; marked by solemnity of manner or method.; Ceremonious According to prescribed or customary formalities or punctilios; characterized by more elaborate forms of politeness than are commonly used between intimate acquaintances; formal in manner or

79. An Attested will, which is a witnessed will, is the most common type of will.While each state has its own formalities which must be followed to create a legally valid Attested will, the general requirements are that an Attested will must be in writing, must be signed by the person whose will it is, and must be witnessed and signed by those witnesses.