Use "forgave" in a sentence

1. We forgave him his sin.

2. She forgave him his thoughtless remark.

3. He forgave his son's immature behaviour.

4. Affronts he never forgave Christina Riggs

5. She never forgave Remi for it.

6. He never forgave us you know.

7. She forgave her husband's sexual peccadilloes.

8. We forgave him because of his problems.

9. Why she suddenly forgave him, nobody knew.

10. 7 She forgave him his thoughtless remark.

11. She never forgave us for being... slightly Jewish.

12. 4 I forgave her a long time ago.

13. She never forgave him for losing her ring.

14. Dan's blunder was inadvertent and we forgave him.

15. I forgave you before but not any more.

16. She forgave him because his contrition was real.

17. On the floor, he remembered Agent Lee, summoned him, forgave him.

18. When Jesus forgave people their sins, they were cured.

19. Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her.

20. 18 Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her.

21. He never forgave the reporter for besmirching his family's name.

22. But I forgave myself and asked the Lord to do the same.

23. He never forgave her for walking out on him.

24. He never forgave the reporter for Besmirching his family's name

25. When neither could repay, the lender “freely forgave them both.”

26. I never forgave my father for coming back from the war.

27. Hay, who shared Bryan's house in Fulham, south London, always forgave him.

28. However, she never forgave him for failing to fulfil her expectations later.

29. And long ago I forgave myself for not pushing a little harder.

30. The British ruling authorities never forgave what they deemed an unheard - of impertinence .

31. “And when they [both] had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both.

32. Synonyms for Amnestied include pardoned, released, excused, forgave, forgiven, freed, liberated, reprieved, discharged and acquitted

33. Marshak never forgave Adelson for what he considered an act of treachery.

34. The Rognes family, Paul and Florence, was devastated, and never forgave the insult.

35. (2 Samuel 11:27) After receiving reproof, David repented and God forgave him.

36. John never forgave Lawrence for breaking away and going into competition with him.

37. I think she never forgave me for organizing my friends against wearing hats to mass in 19

38. 14 He said he would turn over a new leaf if we forgave him.

39. He healed the sick, raised the dead, exercised authority over the evil spirits and forgave sins.

40. 43 In answer Simon said: “I suppose it is the one whom he forgave more.”

41. God forgave David, apparently taking into account such factors as his repentance and the Kingdom covenant made with him.

42. A lower court forgave the debt, but the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.

43. You'll receive a Form 1099-C, "Cancellation of Debt," from the lender that forgave the debt.

44. His brother forgave him after he returned the hook, and Toyotamahime gave birth to a son named Ugayafukiaezu.

45. I wondered whether to call and say I understood, I forgave her; we'd meet next week some time.

46. Laura tolerated his tirades because she loved him, and she forgave him everything as one forgives a child.

47. Who can feel anything but admiration for this woman who forgave the young man who might have taken her life?

48. Richard the Snowmobile girl sassy classy and A tad badassy shirt moreover I love this Lionheart famously forgave the man who killed him

49. Perhaps with an air of indifference, Simon answers: “I suppose it is the one whom he forgave more.” —Luke 7:40-43.

50. But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy, doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world at a safe distance.

51. (Psalm 51:7, 11) Jehovah forgave David and lightened the punishment, but He did not shield David from all the bad consequences of his actions.

52. Word Origin from charis Definition to show favor, give freely NASB Word Usage Bestowed (1), forgave (2), forgive (3), forgiven (4), forgiving (2), freely give // 8k 3652.

53. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: What I learned from the Bible prompted me to try to repair my relationship with my father, and he forgave me for my past conduct.

54. A specific act of disloyalty is a Betrayal, as in The businessman never forgave his partner’s Betrayal of joining his hated rival’s company. Betrayal is also used to describe how you reveal something unconsciously, like how a blush Betrays embarrassment.

55. A specific act of disloyalty is a betrayal, as in The businessman never forgave his partner’s betrayal of joining his hated rival’s company. Betrayal is also used to describe how you reveal something unconsciously, like how a blush Betrays embarrassment.

56. (Galatians 3:19, 24, 25) The apostle Paul wrote: “[God] kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.”

57. Breezing Up was the capstone of Homer's Gloucester paintings, his most popular painting since Prisoners from the Front, and so compellingly attractive that his critics, as they were seldom at this time willing to do, forgave the coarseness and abbreviation of style that, even here, they could not entirely pass by without comment.

58. "Ah, fondest, Blindest, weakest, I am he whom thou seekest" “And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him, when he forgave us all our trespasses, erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands.